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Recipes with Honey

Candy Vanilla sugar Chopped almonds Butter (45 gr.) ...

Procedure: all the ingredients except almonds, cooked in 20-30 min. Without stirring. When the bubbles start to get tough, and the mass is caramel brown, add the almonds. Caramel mass is poured into a mold greased with oil, and cut into small squares.

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Salt Yeast ...

Stir the yeast together with salt, honey and water. Add the oil. Stir in rest of ingredients gradually. The dough should be sticky. Stir well through. The dough is taken to uplift in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. Turn on the oven at 250-300 degree

Breakfast & brunch Honey Salt Durummel ...

The dough should be made one day in advance. We're doing the normal before we go to bed so is the kla to the breakfast table the next day. Dissolve the yeast in lunkt water. Durummel, add salt and honey and stir to the achieved a smooth mass. Add the hvedeme

Drinks (warm) Raisins plenty Whole cinnamon Port wine ...

Sugar and honey, warmed up with a dl water (slowly), for sukkert is dissolved. The whole spices in, the mixture is given a rehash and made page and allow to cool, then take the spices from. Now mix the rest of the ingredients in and gløggen heats up to just

Cakes in form Honey Butter or margarine Eggs ...

Fat and honey is stirred together. The fat must be softened for consistency as mayonnaise, and then add the eggs one at a time. Finally add the flour in which bagepulveret is charged, along with milk and it diced sukat and stir it all into a uniform mass. T

Drinks (cold) 10 cm. FIR branch Orange shucked Strong black coffee ...

Day 1. starting June md. Henkog 3 dl water with 300 g honey, let it rest until it is lukewarm and getting yeast in. Let stand for the day after. Day 2. Boil the rest of the water with the rest of the honey and si foam from. Let it be lukewarm and came so gæ

Mains Chili sauce (the kind used for stirfry) Frozen potatoes in both Honey ...

We start by mixing chilli sauce with honey (I find it easiest to find the right balance by mixing honey in the Chili). Then added the potatoes in a baking dish, and sprinkles the cheese over. Then brushed koteletterne with gravy, and added on top of the cheese

Sides Flake salt Pepper Persielle or spring onion to sprinkle ...

Peel the potatoes, cut them into quarters and put them in one layer in baking pan. Stir in the finely chopped chilli, crushed chili, clementinskal and juice and honey and samg with salt and pepper. Drip it over the potatoes-tires with staniol and bake at 200 d