Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Fresh pasta

Mains Broccoli Fresh pasta Shrimp ...

Boil broccoli until tender in salted water, drainage and purer it with an electric beater or a blender. Warm the cream with the broccoli puree and the two kinds of cheese, the cheese is melted. Season with salt and white pepper, prawns came in and warm it a

Salads Fresh basil Sunflower kernels Corn flour ...

Share the broccoli into small florets and cut the beans into smaller pieces and steam it lightly. Pour it into a bowl and mix with the chopped Basil and sunflower seeds. Cook the pasta. Stir in vinegar, water, sugar and corn flour together, and warm until it i

Mains Lemon juice Vegetables Oil ...

Stuffed perlehøne breast: The spinach lightly of Brown along with finely chopped onion. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Cutting a pocket on the underside of the breast, and the cooled spinach filled. Breasts FRY approximately 25 minutes at 180 degrees C in an

Mains Freshly ground pepper Roast beef Salt ...

Marinade: heat the oil and add the onion and carrot cut into slices. Let it Saute for 5 min. Add the red wine, provence seasoning, crushed garlic and peppercorns and cook gently 15 minutes under the lid. Cool and sieve the marinade. Put the meat in a narrow gl

Mains Fresh pasta Oil for svitsning Oregano ...

Getting oil in a pan. Onion, garlic and bacon Sauté herein. Add the minced beef and Brown it. Add canned tomatoes and puree. Season with salt, pepper and oregano. The Court let simmer for approximately ½ hour. Serve with freshly cooked pasta and grated Parm

Mains Lemon juice thereof White wine Carrots ...

Sauté the onions in half oil/butter. The fish is cut into cubes and add along with the prawns. FRY for about 3 minutes. White wine, lemon juice and fintsnittet carrots added. Some gruel is in about 5 minutes. Cream is added with spices. Season with salt and pe

Mains Basil A good oil Pepper ...

Pour a 4-5 tbsp. oil in a frying pan with high edges (possibly a wok) chop the garlic and chilli finely and fry it in oil for a few minutes. Ruccola salad fried in the oil. Cook the pasta and pour the pasta-water from and put the freshly-cooked pasta into t

Mains Oregano Thyme Courgette in cubes ...

Heat oil in a wide-bottomed pan and FRY leek and carrot, then courgette and celery. It should not brown. Add tomatoes with wetness, puree, broth and spices. Let the sauce simmer about 15 minutes. Com mushrooms in and continue boiling 5 minutes. Season with sal