Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Cakes in form Whole milk Water Vanilla sugar ...

Margarine is melted and stirred softly along with sugar. Eggs in one at a time. Cocoa is stirred in. Flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar mix and stirred the same quiet in and boiling water and milk with. Bake at 175 degrees c. alm. oven for about 1

Mains Salt Oil Paprika strong ...

The bread cut into slices and roasted on the grill-plate the ham is cut out, so the pieces fit into the kettles, served on a platter. Peberfrugten halved, washed, cleaned and cut into small cubes. The eggs are beaten with cream, salt and pepper, add the pepper

Mains Green pepper Wheat flour Shrimp ...

Low dough and sea in a bowl for herself. The different parts accessories are good to put in the plate and pour the batter over. Server them in small bowls for one example. shrimp m. cheese or pepper. Bacon cubes m. Pepper ham cubes m. cheese and pepper and/or

Mains Breadcrumbs Eggs Flutes ...

Flutene is cut on the bias into thick slices and roasted on raclette-Grill. Camemberten cut into 1 cm thick slices and served on a platter. The eggs are turned out and whipped with a fork with cream and breadcrumbs mixed in. Egg mixture is poured into 6 small

Cold cuts Pepper Sweet paprika Whole milk ...

Liver chopped 2 times along with onions and anchovies in a meat grinder. The butter is melted, and it bakes up with flour and milk until it is a thick mass, and therein comes to the minced lard and touches well in it, to the packed a melted. Come on the

Mains Thyme or other seasonings you like Milk Pepper ...

The whole shebang is mixed and cooked exactly as for regular meatballs. There will be many dor, but they take no harm by being frozen down.

Cold cuts Cream Pepper Remnants of fried or broiled venison ...

Chop the venison, pork, onions and French bread 2-3 times. Stir it together with spices and eggs and possibly. a little cream. Put forcemeat, which should be fairly steady, in a greased, ovenproof dish layered with udskivede mushrooms, bacon cut into strips an

Sides Salt Sugar Cream 13% ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices and cook them for about 20 minutes. Then moses in a large casserole dish add butter and eggs and milk/cream and whip it to make it into a soft and easy porridge. Then add the sugar and salt to taste. Tips: I