Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crushed garlic

Soups Pepper Salt Cucumber, split, udkernet and minced ...

Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for ½ minute, fault them under cold water and take the skin off of. Mix tomatoes, bread crumb, cucumber, red bell pepper and salad and garlic in a bowl. Splash sherry over, pour about 4 cups of the broth and allow the mixture

Mains Balsamic vinegar Balsamic vinegar or other red wine vinegar Lemon juice ...

Brown the meat on both sides in butter in a saucepan. Add the Orange and lemon juice, eddi-ke, garlic, red onion, paprika and cayennepe-ben Pour meat stock in and cook the meat soft about 15 minutes on each side. Take the meat up and smooth the sauce with corn

Mains Salt The shell of a salted lemon or 1 small lemon cut into thin slices Chopped onion ...

Put the chicken pieces in a bowl along with the spices and let them marinate in it at least 1 hour. Heat oil in a pan and Brown the chicken pieces in it. Pull them off the Pan and fry the onion and garlic in the oil. Came the chicken back into the Pan, a

Mains A few splashes tabasco to taste Acacia honey Fresh thyme leaves ...

Whisk marinade together. Save approx. 1 dl. for brushing and serving. If there is much fat on spareribsene you can cut a little of the fat. Put the meat in the boiling salted water and let them simmer for 30-45 minutes. Foam of a few times along the way. Be t

Base recipes Red color Ground turmeric Garam masala ...

Tips: You can buy ready-mixed Tandoori spice in specialty stores and larger supermarkets.

Sides Lemon juice Finthk. parsley Crushed garlic ...

Stir the butter soft and stir it together with parsley, garlic and lemon juice. Shape the butter into a scroll and style it cold until serving.

Soups Spring onions Curry Crushed garlic ...

Arrow the raw shrimp, let the tail stays. Saute the shrimp shells, Curry and crushed garlic in olive oil for a few minutes. Come by and cook up the broth. Shrimp shells fished up with a skimmer, and coconut milk is poured into boiling soup to the let has be

Mains EVS. saucemel Freshly ground pepper Fresh cut Cress ...

Let the butter is golden in a frying pan. Brown the fillet of beef 2 min. on each side (4 min. in total). Pour water and spices in. Roast the fillet on a low heat and under the lid ca. 15 min. on each side (30 total). Screw if necessary. up the heat for a mome