Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crushed garlic

Sides Crisp lettuce leaves -beef broth Whipped cream ...

Mash the potatoes with garlic and basil. Blend the mixture with broth and cream. Server potato cream as dip to lettuce leaves.

Sides Must be from 1 lime finely grated Leaf Lemongrass minced fine instead can be used to finely grated from 1 lemon Whole nutmeg or 2 tsp ground nutmeg ...

If you use whole spices be painted the, in an old coffee grinder or mortar. Pour the spices in a food processor or blender with the remaining ingredients, and blend to a smooth paste is haves. Keep the pasta in a firmly sealed jar in up to 1 month in the refri

Dressing Pepper Crushed garlic Minced parsley ...

Com all ing. in a tætsluttet container and shake them together. Taste good to. Use dressing to marinades, grilling, salads and vegetables

Sauces Tabasco Freshly grated ginger Chicken vegetable broth-el. ...

Whisk all of the ingredients for dipping-sauce together and taste it to. Fit as a dip sauce with stir fried or raw vegetables.

Salads Chopped parsley (a small bunch) A little blue cheese into cubes Pepper ...

Them and the cabbage/glass majroen peeled and cut into bars. The apples cut into cubes. The ingredients for the dressing, shake together in a meljævner or a jam jars with lids. Pour the dressing over the salad. Parsley chopped and turned over along with

Mains Chili after taste Oil for frying Salt ...

All salsa ingredients mixed together in that order and must then stand and pull the ½-1 hour. The rice is boiled and taken by. Chicken FRY. Salsa and add cream and boil for 10 minutes.

Mains Mixed salad of cherry tomatoes onions and Arugula Noodles (el equal) Pepper ...

Shock cornflaksen to small pieces and mix them with garlic and spices. Brush chicken thighs with margarine and turn them into cornflaksen. Put the chicken in a baking dish and roast them in the oven at 175 degrees C for about 40 minutes. Tzatziki: yoghurt i

Mains Oil for brushing Chili powder Lemon juice only ...

Garlic, lemon juice, mustard, honey and chilli in a bowl and stir it well. Cut the onions in half through the root and tip so that the layers still is out on each other. Cut the halves into quarters. Slice the quartered onion in 2-3 both each and make sure