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Recipes with Chili

Soups Chili Chinese cabbage Shrimp + lage ...

Mix and boil everything except shrimp and Chinese cabbage. Shrimp are added in the plate immediately before serving. Chinese cabbage is served in bowls next to it. Server flutes.

Mains Chili Curry Paprika ...

The onions are cooked in clear broth. Then add the meat and the spices and eventually accepted the carrots and white cabbage in. Add tomato paste or ketchup, and a little extra water. The right cooker, covered, for about 45 min or to the cabbage is tender. NB

Dressing Chili Lemon juice Salt ...

Avocado fruit is being eroded and the meat blended. Add the garlic and blend it with the sour cream and season now. Add with spices and lemon juice. Tips: important you remember lemon juice otherwise will be guacomolen dark ...

Soups Pepper Salt Chili ...

Slice the chicken fillets into smaller pieces. Heat the oil in a pan and add the curry paste. Brown chicken meat along with finely chopped garlic and chilli. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the bell peppers and carrots into cubes and it came down to the flesh

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Saute Turkey and onions together in oil, add the beans, cherry tomatoes (cut in half), slice the potatoes, bell pepper into cubes, add together with salt and pepper and, if desired. spices and simmer. Tips: Other meat can also be used and it is only your i

Sides Chili Lemon juice Garlic ...

Avocadoens flesh shall be taken. Tomato, red onion & garlic chopped fine. All ingredients together with a whisk, stir and season with salt, chilli & lemon juice. Serve as a dip, as well as used in various dishes.

Soups Chili Peper Salt ...

Brown bækon champingnons onion the snite peper meat in magarine on a forehead got it all in a grude and to set the soup boil nullern in water with salt and a little oil got it in syppen and cook it all up

Drinks (warm) Rod vanilla Chili Cinnamon ...

1. Chop the cocoa mass is very fine and it came in a bowl. 2. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan. 3. Add the spices along with the honey and let it boil up again. 4. remove the vanillestangen up, but scratch grains out and add to the mixture. Add the coco