Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chili

Mains Pepper Salt Chili ...

Mix ginger and garlic in the lamb meat and let it soak for 20 minutes. Came the meat in a pan and pour water at, so it almost covers. Cook the lamb meat in 30 minutes on a low heat. Put the spinach in a saucepan and let it thaw at low heat while stirring. Take

Sides Chili Pepper Salt ...

Tomatoes blanched and skinned by the skin. Onion cut into coarse cubes and sauté in oil until tender, without taking colour. Vinegar is added and it boils into a quarter. Tomatoes into coarse cubes granted together with peeled apples cut into cubes. Boil to

Mains Bean sprouts Chili Curry ...

Curry, chili and pressed garlic FRY. Chicken strips mixed in and through FRY. Onions and spring onions, add and fry with in a brief moment Mushroom with moisture and sugar peas poured in and it all simmer for about 10 mins the right levelled and mix the pepper

Mains Freshly grated Parmesan cheese Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta. Pat the meat dry with paper towels. Heat the oil in a frying pan by excessive heat. Put the slices in the pan. Flip them immediately. Take the meat from the Pan and place it on a plate. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Keep the meat warm. Chop th

Mains Rice Salad Chili ...

Mariner meat in as long as possible (1-24 hours). Benefit the meat at 10 sharp twisted bread sticks. Roast about 15 mins. Indbages possibly in the snobrødsdej.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Parsley Saffron ...

Forcemeat is stirred thoroughly by chopping the meat, blubber, the chopped onion and garlic, egg, the spices, the chopped parsley and maizenaen. Form forcemeat into eight patties, FRY on both sides in butter as six – eight minutes and then made hot. Click løgg

Salads Cucumber Chili Vinegar ...

Chop finely sliced cucumber along with onion and chili. Add vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Let this drag in an hour.

Salads Salt Sugar Bok choy or silver ask ...

Pour over cous cousen with oil and boiling water. Let it withdraw as much water as possible. Is there too much water by drainage the da in sight. Cut bok choy and spring onions very finely and chop the lemon balm also. Mix it into the chilled cous cous and sea