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Recipes with Cherry tomatoes

Desserts (cold) Cane sugar Syrup Thyme ...

Style yoghurt for draining in a coffee filter at least a couple of hours and preferably overnight. Lightly whip the cream stiff. Season to taste with sugar and vanilla. Turn the cream skimmed with yoghurt. Boil water and sugar up and stir until sugar is com

Mains Bay leaf Red wine Peppercorn ...

Pour boiling water on the Pearl onions and let them soak about 5 minutes. Arrow them. clean mushrooms. Peel parsley roots and cut them into thin slices. Wash the cherry tomatoes. Cut the meat in tern 2 x 2 cm and 1 cm's thickness. Serve whole on a platter.

Mains Pepper Salt Karl johan mushrooms ...

Bacon cut into 1 cm pieces. The cherry tomatoes cut into quarters. Karljohan mushrooms picked in small pieces. Duck breasts by scratches in the skin. Duck breasts fried on pan and kept warm in the oven. Bacon strips fried crisp on the forehead in duck fa

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Marinating (6 hours before): boil the red wine and spices for a few minutes. Cool the marinade completely. Got the 4 steaks in a freezer bag and pour the marinade into the bag so that the marinade encasing the meat and close so the bag tightly. Put the bag in

Mains Fine bread crumbs Pepper Port wine marinaden ...

Poussiner: Poussinerne be made able. Smear with port wine. Invert regularly 5-6 hours. Be taken up and lubricated with Dijon mustard, turn them in bread crumbs. Placed in a roasting pan and pour over with melted butter. Seasoned with salt and pepper. FRY in th

Lunch Pepper Salt Acacia honey ...

The shrimp thawed and peeled. Let tail tips page. Put the prawns in a marinade of white wine, chopped garlic, salt and pepper for a minimum of half an hour. The stegs in a frying pan 2 – 3 minutes on each side in the marinade. Rinse and cut cauliflower i

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Rib Eyes: Brown the steaks in the Pan and quickly fry them 1 min on each side in a little butter. Put steaks in a greased ovenproof dish and favor the cheese on top. Gratinér meat at 250 ° c for 5-6 min. season with salt and pepper and let them rest for about

Mains Salt Chicken broth Medium onion or 2 green onions ...

Cut the meat into thin strips. Clean the leek and cut it into rings. The onion cut into small cubes/spring onions are cleaned and cut into rings. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. Broccolien is divided into small, bite-sized florets. Heat the