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Recipes with Cherry tomatoes

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes baked in the oven at 200 degrees for about 55 minutes depending on size. Filled with a knob of butter when serving. Advantage Chuck steak, bacon, mushrooms, bell peppers and onion on skewers. Make a salad of iceberg, corn, carrot, tomatoes and mushroo

Mains Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

Stir in a marinade of olive oil, pressed garlic and fresh thyme. Butter marinade on tunbøfferne and let them marinate in the 1/2 hour. Cook the pasta as indicated on the packaging and refrigerate it. Rinse the salad and let the afdryppe. Halve the cherry to

Mains Mushroom Cherry tomatoes Courgettes ...

Stir all ingredients well together first, and let rest a bit. forcemeat So forms you small oval-shaped meatballs, which put on the barbecue spit together with URf.eks. small pieces of bacon, Zucchini, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes or other. Brush with oil a

Mains Chili Finely chopped Sun-dried tomato Honey ...

Preheat the grill. Mix the tomato paste, chopped tomato, garlic, chilli and honey in a small bowl. Jack alternately cherry tomatoes and sausage on small spid ca. 15 cm long. Brush the tomato mixture on spiddene. Grill them 1-2 minutes on each side.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

'S forellerne and sprinkle them on the inside with salt and pepper. Put Dill on the inside. Wrap the fish into the parma ham and cook them on the grill for approx. 5 min. on each side. Cook the pasta as indicated on the packaging and refrigerate. Cut the

Mains White wine Oil Minced parsley ...

Stir in white wine and oil together and got the herbs in. Com kammusliger and prawns in marinade and let them draw 20 min. Set the animals on a spit along emd tomatoes and half the mushrooms. Gril them over charcoal embers or under oven grill in 5-6 min. turn

Mains Balsamic vinegar New potatoes Pepper ...

Clean the fish, scrape the scales and mucus of with a knife. Chop the dill and stir it with butter and pressed garlic. Advantage the butter in the fish and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Advantage slices of lemon on top of the fish and wrap it in aluminum f

Mains Fresh dill Salt Freshly ground black pepper ...

Grill lobster tails lightly in hot oil. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper grinder. Mix well around. Add fintsnittet dill. Whisk the eggs together and pour them over. Let the mass concentrate a little, before gently lifted up in the liquid, so mass can omelette