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Recipes with Cayenne pepper

Mains Cayenne pepper Finely chopped garlic Calves feet (about 3 feet) or 1 kg. pig's feet ...

Get the butcher to chop calves feet over in pieces of 5 cm. s length. Got them in a saucepan with cold water. Bring it quickly to the boil and let it cook for a few minutes. Take the meat up with a skimmer, it came in a sieve and hold it under running cold wat

Mains Cayenne pepper Feta cheese, diced Greek yogurt ...

Peel 1 kg potatoes, cut them into slices and boil them in salted water for approximately 15 minutes, gently fry the beef in some oil on the skillet. Add the 1-2 paragraph pressed garlic. Next, add the pureed tomatoes and 1-2 tsp. cinnamon and 1-2 tsp. 1-2 teas

Sides Oil for deep frying Bicarbonate of soda Cayenne pepper ...

Make a batter of chickpea flour in a bowl or chick peas, which is pulverized into a blender, bicarbonate of soda and cold water. Pipe it peeled halved onions that are cut into paper thin slices, in conjunction with the cumin, cayenne pepper and salt. Heat t

Lunch Bacon grease Cayenne pepper Pepper ...

Stir the butter with so much beer, as it can record. Add salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and grated cheese. Stir it well. Increased franskbrøds the slices on both sides in the bacon grease and place them in a heat-proof platter. Wide butter mixture over the br

Mains Cayenne pepper Pepper. White Breadcrumbs ...

Set oven to 190 degrees c. alm. oven. Cook makaronien according to instructions on package. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft. Add the flour and let it roast, while touches in it till it bubbles a bit, about 2 m

Pickling Allspice, ground Cayenne pepper Ginger, crushed ...

The peeled, trimmed, washed onions and raisins, gooseberry run through the machine. Mix in canning pan with the other ingredients. Then put it over the fire and the cooker provide stirring occasionally, until it is as thick gruel. Pour it into clean jars

Soups Cayenne pepper Chilli, crushed Pepper ...

Onion chopped finely and FRY in a dry pan. When they bite a bit on the bottom, add water. When the water is cooked away Sauté beef forcemeat with. The chopped tomatoes, Baked beans, milk, garlic and diced peppers poured by the meat/onions. That season wit

Dressing Salt Cayenne pepper White pepper ...

Stir in mayonnaise and sour cream together with tomato ketchup and season to taste with salt, pepper and cayenne.