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Recipes with Butter or margarine

Cakes in form Tesukker Milk Baking soda ...

All of the ingredients except the Apple pieces, the chopped almonds and tesukkeret, are jumbled together in a casserole dish. Stirred for a lightweight lot. Then add in 2 oblong well-oiled molds, which holds about 1 ½ l. each. Over Apple pieces, sprinkled with

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Milk ...

Milk lunes, and dissolve yeast in it, however, must not be warmed with. Wheat flour and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, covered. The dough is divided into two equal pieces, formed into balls

Lunch Egg white Salt Eggs ...

The milk and dissolve the yeast, herein, lunes which, however, must not be warmed with wheat flour and the other ingredients kneaded into a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, covered. The dough is divided into two equal parts, on

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Sugar ...

The butter is melted and the milk is added. When mælkeblandningen is snug poured it up in a dejskål. The yeast is mixed in it. The other ingridienser are added. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth. Made to uplift in 40 min. Dough turned down and shaped int

Cakes in form Pineapple juice Pineapple pieces Little ds. Pineapple ca. 12-15 small pieces ...

Butter and sugar is stirred well and mix in the eggs one at a time. The flour and baking powder is stirred in alternately with pineapple juice as well as the small pieces of pineapple, which they have split into smaller pieces and turned into flour. The dough

Bread, buns & biscuits Orange muffins The grated yellow shell of 1 orange Who is stirred to appropriate consistency ...

Milk and fat brought to the boil. The fat must be completely dissolved, after which the pot is taken by the fire. Wheat flour and cardamom are added and stirred into the dough, drop spoon and saucepan. Eggs add a little by little, the dough should gather thems

Cakes Egg white Jam or fruit pulp Buttermilk ...

Ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough that is divided into two spheres, sitting on a cold place, preferably in a refrigerator, a couple of hours. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. Each ball rolled out in circular shape, c

Cakes in form Honey Butter or margarine Eggs ...

Fat and honey is stirred together. The fat must be softened for consistency as mayonnaise, and then add the eggs one at a time. Finally add the flour in which bagepulveret is charged, along with milk and it diced sukat and stir it all into a uniform mass. T