Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Bacon, diced Fresh parsley Pepper ...

Meat and bacon brune in the butter with good heat and season with salt and pepper. Chopped onions, garlic and rinded mushrooms brune with a few min. Heat the damp and add chopped, peeled tomatoes, broth and peppers. Let the dish simmer for 20 minutes. Cut t

Soups Cut chives Paprika Thyme ...

1. Pile loose and chop it fine. 2. Season the onion in hot oil. Add carrots in the tern. Then add the peppers and thyme and let it sweat for a couple of minutes. 3. Add the rice and then broth. 3. Bring the soup into the boil and let it boil 5 min. Under co

Soups Rosemary Cream fraice 38% Bay leaf ...

Cut the cleaned Leek into thin rings along with the peeled onion and sauté in oil, both without taking colour. Tomatoes and broth came by with bay leaf and Rosemary, and let the soup tingle for even heat about 15 mins. Cool the soup a bit and purer or blend

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

cut the meat into neat stykkerog turn them in flour mixed with salt and coarse-ground pepper and knustenebær. Brown meat in butter in a frying pan and add the big carrot cubes and thick potato writes. Pour broth and tomato juice and let the pot boil, covere

Soups Paprika Salt Oil ...

1) cut the meat and peberfrugten in very small cubes. 2 Sauté the meat in the oil). Add the bell pepper, tomato paste, paprika and salt. 3) add the broth and let the Court Cook for 15 min. 4) add the noodles in the soup and let it boil for a further 12 min.

Sides Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Sauté onion and garlic in oil, finhakket until onions are clear, but has not taken any significant color. Sprinkle paprika over and let it sear a little vinegar and add the broth with.. Make peberfrugten able and cut it into cubes. Peel the tomatoes by dipping

Sauces 1-2 tbsp. vinegar Pepper Salt ...

Melt the butter and stir in flour, add broth, stirring little by little. Season with vinegar, salt, pepper and horseradish.

Mains A tablespoon of chutney The juice of a lemon Salt ...

Koteletterne Brown and place in an ovenproof dish. Onions and apples cut into cubes, Brown in the fat, and then mix in karryen and "burned". The rest of the ingredients are added. The sauce tasted to with appropriate sugar and salt and pour over koteletterne.