Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Apples Watercress Christmas salad ...

Distribute the cream cheese into the prepared and sprinkle them with spices, tie them with cotton yarn and brown them in butter / oil until golden. Lay the basins on the side and sprinkle salt and pepper over. Pour broth and cream on. Small stairs grows und

Mains Curry Paprika Pepper ...

Cut all vegetables (sour potatoes) and sauté a little in a deep pan. Then they are put to the bottom of a refractory dish and the broth is poured over. The turkey breast is browned on all sides and placed on top of the vegetables and placed in the oven for 45

Appetizers In addition, Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Let okra and corn dripping off. Melt the butter and chop with flour, broth and milk. Boil the sauce well. Season with salt, pepper, muskat and lemon juice. Mix okra and corn in a greased dish. Pour the sauce over and sprinkle the cheese. Pour the dish in

Soups Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Chop / tern al le vegetables, wrap all three parts a few min. Sprinkle the flour over and back with the boil. Cook the soup 2-3 min. Add cream and season with spices. The soup can be blended tips: Can be served with fish or bacon in, can be served both col

Mains Chinese soy sauce Chicken breast Solve rice ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips. Steam the meat for 2-3 min. In hot oil, without color. Add thin porcelain where most of the green is taken. In addition, thin slices of celery, finely chopped onion and finely chopped Chinese cabbage or white cabbage. Steam

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

lobscouse Procedure Cut the peeled potatoes in the tern. Peel the onions and cut them in the rings. Add half of the potatoes layered with onion and meat in a large pot together with broth, bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and parsley sticks. Leave the dis

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Wash the okra. Cut the stems off and halve the hexagonal vegetables. Melt 30 g. Butter in a saucepan, put the oak pieces in and simmer for 5 minutes. Take them up and let them drip off. Melt the rest of the butter and put the chopped chopped onion. Shake

Lunch Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Plain yeast dough raises for 30 minutes. Split into a5 large or 10 smaller pieces, each rolling out to an elongated small plate. Then put the filling packed into small bread close to the ends. Filled: Brush the beef and chopped onion. Then salt, pepper, to