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Recipes with Beef broth

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Crème fraiche 38% Peeled tomatoes, canned ...

The meat is cut into squares as Brown, the onions chopped and sauté. There are seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika. The green pepper cut into cubes and add along with the juice from the tomatoes and broth. The right cooker on low heat in 30-45 minutes.

Mains Peeled, chopped tomatoes Fresh coarsely chopped basil leaves Italiana olive oil ...

The onions are chopped. Bladsellerien cut into slices. Sauté the meat in the oil in a frying pan. Onions and celery Sauté with. Broth, peeled tomatoes, salt and Piri Piri is added. Spin together 3/4 hour. Aubergine cut into cubes and sprinkled with salt.

Mains Salt Oil Peppercorns, black ...

Cut the beef into thin slices and bank them easily. Mix the flour with salt and pepper. Turn the kødskiverne in the flour. Brown some kødskiver at a time in hot fat. Take them out of the saucepan Brown the rest of the meat. Take it up. Arrow the onions a

Mains Flûte. rough. industry made to order Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into bite-sized cubes and Brown in oil. Onion and Ginger cut into strips and place in pan. Broth, tomato concentrate and spices added. Some gruel is right under the lid for 1 hour. Halve the potatoes and place in the Pan along with 5 dl.

Mains Wheat flour to jævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

The meat is cut into slices or strips. Seasoned with salt and pepper and Brown in the FAT to the meat is well browned. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into uniform, not for large pieces. Skalotte onions peeled. Vegetables, mushrooms and tomato paste f

Mains A little black pepper, whole, bound in a piece of gauze Beef broth Salt ...

The meat is cut into squares approximately 1 1/2 cm and get a rehash of water, 5-10 min. take it up in a sieve and rinse it off. The meat is then over to cook in the broth, came the onion, Bay leaves, pepper and a little salt by. Bring to the boil and cream

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes fried in hot oil in frying pan until golden. Made in oven and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, depending on thickness. Entrecôten seasoned, FRY on both sides approximately 4-5 minutes on each side. Made in oven at 180 degrees for about 10

Mains Pepper Salt Burgundy ...

Cook the peeled onion, mushrooms, red wine, bay leaf and thyme in a saucepan for about 10 min. underneath the lid. Melt the butter in the Pan, sprinkle the flour in and stick it together. An infant with rødvinssky and broth. Boil the sauce 3 min and add