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Recipes with Beef

Mains Allspice Rice Sage, dried ...

Start by cooking the rice according to instructions on package. Cut the top of the hokaidoerne and remove the seeds with a spoon Chop the onion and sauté it with meat onions chop into mindres pieces and turned into the meat along with the rice to taste with

Mains Parsley Pepper Onion ...

wash the meat and cut it into treninger bring the water to a boil and let it simmer the meat came in while the herbs washed cleaned and sliced herbs came into the Pan sprinkle salt and pepper on and let it simmer until it is mørrt server chopped parsley to

Mains Or 1 ds. chopped tomatoes Vegetable soup (gapazio-on bottle) Lasagna/pasta plates as needed ...

Brown the chopped onion in a pan with a little butter. Put the beef then down along with the Roasted Onion. Add vegetable gravy (or chopped tomatoes) until the kødsovsen get the right consistency. After it has been up to boil you then add spices to taste. Whil

Mains Corn flakes Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients are mixed into the enjoys a good firm texture. Divided into 4portioner. Each clump set on a twisted bread stick, held over the coals, to the trommestik core has been fried.

Mains Herbs A little oil Chopped tomatoes ...

squeeze garlic and fry it in oil. Add the meat and FRY until brown. Add the tomato puree and chopped tomatoes, and stir. Add salt, pepper and pizza seasoning. Let it all simmer for about 10 minutes. butter a casserole dish with oil, and place the lasagna sh

Mains Green pepper Yellow pepper Red pepper ...

The 3 bags of rice are cooked, made for cooling. Chopped onions and sauté in the pan. Beef is brown. Ketchup and mustard are added under stirring in pan or casserole. The 3 peppers chopped and added. It's all Brown about 3 min, then accepted the rice in the po

Mains Feta cheese/grated cheese to taste and pleasure Spices of your choice Milk (as for the meatballs) ...

The carrots rives and everything mixed together like a Meatball sausage meat. Forcemeat must be shaped like a big pancake and fried in the pan. Note that it can be very difficult to reverse "pancake" but here want a mini trangia from a good old soup pot be per

Mains Salt Bacon, diced Gøndsagsbouliong ...

saute the bacon in a pan then add the onions and meat, where the meat has been color add tomatoes, bouliong and season with salt then add the sausages and let simmer for 10 min Court