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Recipes with Basil

Sides Olive oil Basil Oregano ...

The potatoes are brushed well or peeled and cut into slices about ½ cm thick. Garlic pressed. Oil, basil, rosemary, oregano, garlic and potato slices are put in a plastic bag and shaken well. Place the bag for 1-2 hours and shake occasionally. The potato

Lunch Basil Oregano Paprika ...

Mix the dough together, let it rise for 15 minutes. Roll the dough to a plate 30x40 cm. Grease the cheese, sprinkle on the garlic and spices and roll on the long side, form a horseshoe and put on the joint. Raises approx. 40 minutes, sprinkle with egg and spr

Mains Freshly ground pepper Suit Olive oil ...

Both dough and million steak are made the day before, and double portion of the milieffieff, eaten as such. Dough: Soak the yeast into the cold water and knead it with the rest of the ingredients for a minimum of 5 minutes. Set in a refrigerator and leav

Sauces Basil Oregano Bacon cubes ...

First swim bacon and onion together - there is no need for margarine due to the bacon grease. Then add the 500 grams of beef and when finished, add a can of chopped tomatoes and tomato paste. Then add the cocktail sausages as well as the oregano and basi

Mains Basil Garlic Cucumber ...

Put the culotte in a frying pan. Cut garlic into the culott's fat and stop sliced ​​garlic down there. Then put 1 tbsp. Lemon juice downstairs, along with 1 tbsp. oil. Bring it well into the mixture, season with salt and pepper and let it stand and marinate fo

Mains Basil Parmasan Pepper ...

On a pan, cut the onion, garlic and chili sauce. Meanwhile, cook the pasta until it is al dente. Chopped squash, peppers and olives are added. Step a little. Then add the pinned tiger prawns and stir until they have the nice red color. Then add the peppers a

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Boil the pasta with a little salt and oil. Form the beef into small bowls and put them on a pan with some oil. Take them off the forehead. Cut the tomatoes in half and throw them on the forehead. Mash them on the forehead and add basil (lightly chopped), an

Mains Peper Salt Basil ...

Brown the meat in a saucepan. Chop the red onions as fine as they are pulled and cut the 12 olives into rings. Forge the red onion, Olive and the peeled tomatoes together with the browned meat. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Squeeze the garlic in the pan. Add th