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Recipes with Basil

Sides Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The potatoes are brushed well or peeled and cut into slices about 1/2 cm thick. Garlic pressed. Oregano and basil are cut into very small pieces. Remove possibly the roughest of the stems. All ingredients come in a plastic bag that is shaken well. The bag i

Sides Pepper Salt Oil ...

The potatoes are cut into slices about 1/2 cm thick. Garlic pressed. Oregano and basil are cut into very small pieces. Everything comes in a plastic bag together with salt and pepper. It all shakes well and stays 1-2 hours. Shake the bag occasionally. Pr

Mains Basil Chili pepper Olive oil ...

Start by setting the pasta to boil. The aubergines come in the oven at approx. 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. They are peeled and blended with pine nuts, rye flour and lemon juice as well as salt and pepper. Are they hard to peel, you can give the aubergines

Mains Pepper Salt Dried thyme ...

Boil the lenses for 20 minutes. In plenty of water add 1 teaspoon of salt. Dip inner fillets dry with kitchen roll. Divide them into smaller pieces. Season with salt, pepper and dried thyme. Heat the oil on a pan with good heat. Bring the meat on the for

Mains EVS. flute Glass with mushroom Olive oil ...

Chop onion and garlic nicely. Clean the 2 peppers and cut them in oblong strips of approx. 3-4 mm thickness. Peel carrots and cut them in elongated slices of approx. 4 mm thickness and divide each in 2 lengthwise. Cut cucumber or squash in elongated slices

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

1. Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water and add oil, egg and salt. 2. Add gradually the flour with stirring. Only enough for the dough to release the sides of the bowl 3. Let the dough raise in the bowl under the double-size cloth. 4. Brown the meat

Mains Eggplant Bacon Grove burger buns (possibly finns rugburger buns from Coop) ...

Warm the balls Step lamb steak with salt, pepper and thyme Step bacon Crisp vegetables (snack spoons in long thin pieces) Homemade Pesto: Chop pine nuts, fresh basil leaves, a few cloves of garlic and oil in a blender / hand blender. It should not be too

Mains Peas (frost) Basil Bechamel ...

Turn on 200 degrees (hot air) Brown the meat and onions. Then add all the other ingredients close to bechamel. Then alternately put meat with a little bechamel on top and lasagne plates. Saw it in the preheated oven for about 25min Just say a man next