Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Dressing Garlic minced Sesame oil Fresh ginger root ...

Add all the ingredients and blend well. There will be approx. 7.5 dl

Used for marinated chicken, fish, beef or pork. Must marinate approx. 1 hour depending on type and cutout. One serving reaches approx. 2 kg. meat

Sesammarinade: Add 1...

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Sugar ...

Yeast mix with sugar, then pour lukewarm milk over, egg margarine and salt are added, eventually flour. Eat the dough (on a smooth stone plate). Let them rise for 1 hour.

Shape the balls and allow them to raise the baking sheet (on baking paper) for 20 minu...

Mains Ground pepper Lemon juice thereof Worcestershire sauce ...

Mix all ingredients similar to plastic bags. Let it drag for 2 hours, turn a couple of times along the way.

Step on the grill or step ladder. Step for 10 minutes, turn and butter with marinade, rose for 10 more minutes or until finished.

Served immediate...

Cold cuts All the spice to appetites (URf.eks. Mexican or allround) Pepper Salt ...

Liver and fromage frais blended. Then blend potatoes, carrot, onion, garlic and water. Mix it all in a large bowl, then add all spices, salt and pepper. Finally, stir in flour until it has the correct consistency (about 2-3 tablespoons. Fill in small foil tray...

Mains Mexican spice Pepper Salt ...

The chicken is cooked as directed on the package.

While the chicken fry mix salsasov's chopped tomatoes, water, onion, garlic, salt, pepper and spices. The bacon is roasted. The carrot is peeled and keep peeling so it becomes thin peel. Red pepper cut into ...

Mains Cognac A little sprinkle grated nutmeg Wheat flour ...

Clean the tap and cut him into smaller pieces. Give the meat to the cat or bring it to court, but pick it up before serving. Sprinkle the pieces with salt and pepper and turn them into flour.

Clean the mushrooms and the arrow onions. Depending on size, cut ...

Appetizers 1 tsp. ground ginger Fresh Sage leaves Oil ...

The crusts are flaked long and marinated in lemon juice ½-1 hour. They are sprinkled with salt, pepper and possibly. A slight shock of ginger.

Half the crust is spoon alternately with fresh sage leaves, brush with oil and grill approx. 3-4 minutes on each s...

Desserts (cold) Løsfrone raspberry Whipped cream Icing sugar ...

Bring raspberries, cream and flour in the food processor. Blend until it's staple approx. 1 min.

Decorated in serving glass. Put 3-4 macrons in the bottom of the glass, favor the fools in the glasses and decorate if necessary. With a few raspberries. Server...