Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Grappa, cognac or armagnac ...

Clean and rinse the quails and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Bring half grapes in them together with a little butterballs. Close for opening. Brush them in the rest of the butter in a frying pan. Sweat the heat and pour the spirits on. Let it boil a litt...

Mains Lime juice Oil for deep frying Salt ...

Brush the fillets lightly with salt and let them pull while the dough is made. Whip egg, milk and salt together and whip the flour, the dough must be like a thick pancake pie. Dip the plaice fillets with a kitchen roll deep in the dough and cook them golden an...

Mains Chicken stock Jævning Potatoes ...

Quail bones - you can buy quails where the hull is taken.

Otherwise remove the upper thigh, scratch down the leg on both sides, push the meat back and cut the thigh off at the joint.

Some different mushrooms are used, which are cooked on a pan. The wool ...

Mains Pepper Salt Celery mashed potatoes and salad á la waldorf ...

Check the quizzes as necessary. after being cleaned. Cut off wing tips. Rub them with spices. Turn on the oven. Set it at 250 degrees. Brush them in stews, on all sides. Put them in an ovenproof dish with the chest upwards.

Cook the pot with white wine, let...

Mains Pepper Salt Large leek ...

The quails are boneless (not the thighs), browned at very high heat, seasoned with S + P. The legs are browned in a saucepan, seasoned and the water added, simmer for approx. ½ hour. The fund is used for the cloud. The canterelles are halved and divided into 1...

Mains 5 dl whipping cream and corn flour Port wine armagnac or calvados sherry Butter ...

Quail slowly in butter, saucepan or similar. Step after the chest, that must be pink. When finished, the thighs and back are removed. This is returned to the saucepan, where it sits quietly for approx. 10 min. Now you can either add whipped cream or water. Wit...

Mains Handful mixed parsley and Sage Wheat flour for Breading of schnitzel A little lemon juice ...

Farsert quail:
Bake the quails, put a stick of raw foie gras in the quail, together with chopped mustard and a spice of herbs. The guard is packed together to look like a whole quail and packed into the fat net.

Persian pears:
The porridge is cut into 5 c...

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Garlic Chervil ...

The 4 bony quails are soigned, the knee is cut by the thigh and they are placed individually on a piece of greased foil. Wild birds meat chopped and run cool with a little salt on the blender, egg whites added, and then flow slowly afterwards. Season with salt...