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Recipes with White wine

Mains A little lemon juice A little whole black pepper Dried coriander seeds ...

Clean and cut vegetables and put half in a large pot. Poularden rub inside with salt and pepper, lay it over the vegetables, add 1 dl wine and let the fumes gently 50 minutes under the lid, if applicable. in the oven. Remote rygskjoldene on Scampis, but let th

Mains A little marizena flour Paprika White wine ...

Poularden soigneres, and divided into 9 or 12 parts. Garlic peeled and chopped fine, indgnides in poularden. Onion peeled and chopped fine. Mushrooms be cleaned of soil and cut into 1/4. Blubber cut into fine cubes. Purløget cut fine. Parsley chopped fine. Pis

Mains White wine Celeriac Pearl onions ...

Poussinerne split. Brown in a pan with the chopped onions, carrots, sliced, whole cloves of garlic and celery cut into smaller pieces. Came white wine and ¼ l. of water and let it simmer for a ½ hour. Smooth the sauce a little and season with salt and pepper.

Mains EVS. a little paprika New carrots New potatoes ...

DUP poussinerne dry and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Style them in the oven at 225 degrees for 10 minutes, turn down and rose finished at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Rinse and scrub mussels and boxes of them that do not shut down itself by a hard blow t

Mains Miscellaneous herbs: tarragon, chervil, lovage, parsley White wine Good chicken stock ...

Poussin: Poussinen shared in the thigh and chest piece, backbones of Brown and are saved to the sauce. Thighs cured for two hours and bake in the oven for two hours with duck fat Potato fondant: baking potatoes peeled and blended into the desired shape and

Mains Letkogt broccoli Cornstarch to jævning Pepper ...

Dry poussinerne inner and outer and brown them in butter. Brown also potatoes in butter. Poussinerne sprinkle with salt and pepper, place them in a dish together with the potatoes and FRY both parts in the oven approximately 35 minutes. For the sauce boil w

Appetizers Garlic A little vegetables, leeks, celery, carrot Pepper ...

1 Partridge is put over to boil – simmer-with a little vegetables to the Fund. When the meat is tender taken the birds up. The flesh peeled and cut into småtern. They cleaned mushrooms and cut into same size as shared agerhønsekødet and sauté for 30 grams o

Mains Corn flour Nutmeg Pepper ...

Lamb shoulder boned, bone end saves of shaft and polished. The bow is filled with citronfiletter, dill and a little Rosemary, seasoned with salt and pepper and laced. The herbs are cleaned and cut into appropriate pieces to braiserunderlag. Bow Brown of in bra