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Recipes with White cabbage

Mains Wheat flour Dabs of butter or margarine Milk ...

White kålens outer leaves and the stalk is removed. Coarsely chop the cabbage and boil for 20 minutes in salted water. White cabbage is poured into a sieve, and boiling water are saved. The cabbage be layered with forcemeat in a greased ovenproof dish. Start w

Mains 2-3 carrots Curry Pepper ...

Saute all meat and Curry came in with the same. Then met average cabbage and possibly. that is exactly what carrots in the pot. It all boils at medium heat for the cabbage and the meat is ready. Cooking bag the rice poured out of the bags and place in the P

Mains Curry Pepper Rye bread ...

Finsnit white cabbage and slice the breast battle it out in large cubes with severe. Mix cabbage and meat in layers with salt pepper and plenty of Curry. Boil in a pan for about 1 hour with a little water in the bottom stir once in a while. Tips: Serve wit

Mains Curry White cabbage Minced fat beef ...

Meat cooked in a very hot pan and seasoned with curry powder, sliced leeks, sliced carrots and fine cut cabbage in. Add water, so it does not burn on. It boils well tender.

Mains Pepper Salt Carrots ...

The cabbage, pork chop, carrots and potatoes cut into small pieces, place in water with salt and pepper and boil slowly until tender. The shredded apples cook with for the last 10 minutes.

Salads Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Cabbages, fennel and green pepper, Chop fine. Mayonnaisen mix with sour cream and cream. Cream the cheese stirred carefully out of the mixture. Mustard and fennel seeds are added. Season with salt and pepper. Cabbages, fennel and Bell Peppers are changed