Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla pod

Desserts (cold) Small fresh sprigs of mint Lemon juice Kirsch or cognac ...

Bring water, lemon juice and sugar to a boil and let it boil vigorously without lids for 2 min. Peel the pears and scrape the Green stems of-gently, so as not to break off. The pears came in sugar bed sheet, put a lid over and bring them to a boil. Turn dow

Desserts (cold) A bit of freshly squeezed lime juice or lemon juice Whipped cream Rome ...

Put husblasen to soak in cold water. Crack vanillestangen and grain and Rod came in cream. Cook it through. Tag vanillestangen op. Whip while the whole eggs and egg yolk with sugar. Pour the boiling cream over the eggs under the whipping cream and pour back in

Desserts (cold) Pineapple Oranges Green and blue grapes ...

Beat the egg yolks and powdered sugar together well. Scrape in the egg mixture. Put husblasen in cold water. Came the lime juice in the egg mixture. Whip the cream to foam. Melt husblasen over a water bath or on a low heat. Pour the gelatin into a thin beam of

Desserts (cold) Sugar Vanilla pod Fresh or frozen strawberries or raspberries ...

Cream, sugar, and boil a few minutes vanillekorn. Isinglass accepted directly into the boiling cream and must therefore not be left to soak first. Whisk into the pan to husblasen is melted. Cream dessert is distributed into 4 individual bowls or glass. Made co

Desserts (warm) Sugar Sour cream Vanilla pod ...

Half of the apples were peeled, cleaned for flower, stem and cored, cut into smaller pieces and cooked to a thick Moss with a 1/2 Rod vanilla. Taste the bog to with sugar and stir the cooled mash up with sour cream. It can't be too thin. Peel the rest of the a

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Butter Sugar ...

Butter six individual porcelain molds with butter. Pour a little sugar in the molds. Turn them around so the sugar stuck inside in the molds. Pour the excess sugar back where it came from. Blend bananas with most of the lemon juice, rum and egg yolks. Came

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Icing sugar Egg yolk, pasteurised ...

The egg whites beaten stiff. Egg yolks whipped white with icing sugar and vanilla and it diced chocolate reversed. The cream whipped into whipped cream. Cream foam stir in æggesnapsen. The whipped egg whites into the egg/cream mixture gently invert. T

Bread, buns & biscuits Icing sugar Half-Strawberry Lemon shell thereof ...

For cake, beat eggs and sugar for a very long time, about 10 min. it is quite thick and light yellow. Lemon shell whipped in and flour sifted over and reversed in the butter is melted and stirred gently in.. The dough in a greased and raspet springform and bak