Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Bread, buns & biscuits Ready-made mashed potatoes Finely chopped pomeranskal if necessary. anise or fennel Boiling water ...

Mix the mashed potatoes and milk in a bowl. Crumble the yeast in and add salt, syrup and pomeranskal. (If you would like to have the bread also added spicy anise and fennel to taste). Add the rugmelet and knead wheat flour in little by little until the dough i

Cakes in form Nutmeg Eggs past Brown baking soda ...

Term the flour with the baking powder and grated nutmeg Brown. Grate the lemon rind. Stir in brown sugar and butter soft and fluffy, add the lemon rind and syrup. Whip the eggs in, one at a time, alternating with the flour. Share the whole almonds in two, n

Bread, buns & biscuits Syrup Salt Buttermilk ...

The yeast and break into pieces in the lunede milk and buttermilk, salt and syrup is added. The butter cut into small pieces and add along with whole grain hvedemelet. The dough worked well through, after which the rest for 15 minutes. Mix the flour w

Desserts (cold) Cane sugar Syrup Thyme ...

Style yoghurt for draining in a coffee filter at least a couple of hours and preferably overnight. Lightly whip the cream stiff. Season to taste with sugar and vanilla. Turn the cream skimmed with yoghurt. Boil water and sugar up and stir until sugar is com

Mains Asparagus Blanched parsley Cream ...

Mallet cut filled with blanched parsley and garlic, the Club tied with string, and interval FRY in oven at 170 degrees. 2 pears peeled and halved be marinated in red wine-and porchere finished. Boil down with Oyster Mushrooms and Madeira cream filled into a kr

Mains Suit according to taste A little lemon juice Pepper from the grinder ...

Cut the small mørbrader from which sits on the underside of the back, and save them for later use. Trimmings back, and rub with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries groftkværnet. Put butter in slices of meat. Make a opbagt sauce of butter and flour, wit

Cookies Chopped nut kernels Wheat flour Butter ...

Knead all the ingredients together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The dough is divided into two equal pieces, which rolled out the sausages for about 4 cm. thickness, and then put in the fridge to cool-like,

Cakes Egg white frosting Vermicelli Bicarbonate of soda ...

Stir the butter soft, add sugar and syrup, and milk came in. Sprinkle flour and spices and soda. Knead the dough well through and roll it out in ½ cm. thickness. Plug the cakes out medformen or cut the shapes out for templates. Put pasties on wax paper or on g