Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Sugar Salt Warm milk ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm water, add salt, sugar and the warm milk. Knead wheat flour in gærblandingen. Knead in flour to dough is smooth; Let it rest while you clean up. Roll out dough out into a rectangle, very thin. Slice butter very thin and put it on

Drinks (cold) Sesame seeds for garnish Eggs Egg for brushing ...

Stir the yeast into the water and then stir in sugar, salt, eggs and oil into the liquid. Add most of the flour and knead the dough well. Let dough raise in a warm place for about 20 min. Sprinkle the rest of the flour on a Board and knead the dough. Portion d

Mains A few garlic Paprika Pepper ...

Peel eggplants lengthwise in stripes. Make some incisions in the stripes, where the shell is removed, and got little pieces of garlic in. Put the eggplants in boiling water for 3 minutes, then rinse them under the cold faucet. Cut them up lengthwise but not co

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice and must thereto Rod vanilla Sugar ...

The eggs are beaten with sugar. Vanillekærnerne scraped out of vanilla bars and mix in. Sweetener added. Add the milk and butter-broth season with lemon zest and juice. It is served cold with kammerjunker. Tips: The recipe is not totally sugar

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream The meat of 1-2 oranges Mint or citronmelisse leaves ...

Com prunes, sugar, orange peel, juice and water in a saucepan and let Cook by means of strong heat in the 5-7 minutes. Let it cool completely and mix the small Orange pieces in. Cream: Bring 3 cups. cream to boil with vanillekorn and the broken empty vanill

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Water ...

Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa and sugar. Stir it together with fat, egg, one teaspoon vanillie. Walnuts came in. Pour the mixture into a greased baking pan and bake at 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and spread the small ma

Desserts (patisserie) Cake cream by 2.5 dl. milk Baking soda Sugar ...

Afbagt dough: Water and margarine is given a rehash. The pot is taken from the heat. The flour in at once under heavy whipping. Afbagningen warmed through for a moment, to the release the pan. Salt and sugar stirred in. The eggs and bagepulveret stirred tog

Cakes in form Ginger, crushed Cloves, bruised Baking soda ...

Eggs and sugar, beat the butter, stir in flour, baking powder and spices. stirred in alternately with the milk. Make the dough in a greased form (approx. 1 ½ l). Baking time: about one hour at 175 degrees C. Tips: It needed not to be buttermilk, other m