Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Finely chopped Rosemary Breadcrumbs Sugar which has lain Rosemary sprigs overnight ...

They sipped gooseberry put in a greased casserole dish, and sugar sprinkled over. Melt 50 g of butter in a frying pan. When it sizzles, stir this mixture in breadcrumbs is golden, add. after rosmarinen. This mixture is poured onto a plate and allow to cool.

Pickling Cinnamon Liquid atamon Carnations ...

Sugar, water and spices cooked to a pickle, which they sipped washed berries boiled soft 2-3 minutes. The berries are added in heat, atamonskyllede glass. The juice is given a rehash, lightly, add atamon and poured over the berries. The glasses will be closed.

Pickling Garlic Green bell pepper Whole ginger ...

The cleaned fruits and the scalded, peeled onions chopped fine or be painted through a kødmaskine. Everything is mixed, pour over with vinegar, sugar, syrup and salt. Spices and Ginger are added by. The mass brought slowly to a boil and boil about 10 minutes.

Pickling Sugar Water Gooseberry ...

They sipped, washed berries filled into a 1-litre glass of a blubber refinery. Boil water and sugar to a pickle, which skimmed and poured over the fruit, or sugar sprinkled directly on the fruit and cold water poured over. The glasses are dried in the edge, be

Pickling Per l. sieved juice Liquid atamon Green unripe gooseberry ...

Flushed, possibly. sipped Berry warmed up with water under the lid slowly and boil at low heat 20-30 minutes. The juice is filtered from through a juice bag. The bog hanged for draining ½-1 day. The juice is measured and brought to the boil. Sprinkle in the

Pickling Per l. juice Gooseberry Sugar ...

The Green, immature gooseberry put into canning pot with ¼ l. of water for each liter of berries. When they are cooked, pour the mosmøre in the scalded jelly bag. The juice is measured and mixed with sugar. Juice and sugar heated up to the boiling point and

Pickling Allspice, ground Cayenne pepper Ginger, crushed ...

The peeled, trimmed, washed onions and raisins, gooseberry run through the machine. Mix in canning pan with the other ingredients. Then put it over the fire and the cooker provide stirring occasionally, until it is as thick gruel. Pour it into clean jars

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Kiwi or gooseberry Stikkelsbærmos ...

Run frozen gooseberry in food processor with sugar and yogurt. Tube stikkelsbær yoghurtisen careful. Freeze the ice cream and stir into it a few times during nedfrysingen. Put stikkelsbæris layered with færdigis in an elongated shape approx. 1 1/2 litres. Free