Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Orange grated Peel and juice of which Boiling water Milk ...

Margarine and sugar is stirred together (with dough hooks). Stir in the eggs one at a time. Flour, vanilla sugar, cocoa and baking powder sifted and stirred in alternately with the milk. Orange peel, juice and nuts added to the dough. Finally add the boili

Salads Cantaloupemelon Honeydew melon Salt ...

Slice the melon flesh into cubes. Mix the melon with fintsnittet red bell pepper in a bowl. Chop the red onion and chili (without seeds and between the walls), and basil and toss it in the salad. Whip up a dressing together wine vinegar, lime juice, sugar and

Salads Pepper Salt Lettuce head ...

Rinse the salad and grate the easy and got them on a large platter put olives and melon pieces on. Cut the lemon and put both by sprinkle with solikkefrø shake possibly a dressing of vinegar and lemon juice and a little sugar over.

Sides Wheat starch Honey Collmanns mustard ...

Brown mustard and mustard collmanns with sugar and sifted. Salt, vinegar and water mixed up wheat starch is heated in a water bath for the forklistrer. Honey is added and then the mustard and sugar mixture Tips: Portion is ca. 1 km.

Candy Hazelnuts Honey Almonds ...

Chicken tonsils and swing them. Almonds and hazelnuts roasted lightly in a pan or in the oven at 150 degrees the toasting in approximately 20 minutes. Chop them fine. Beat the egg whites until they are very stiff and stir in the nuts. In a pan, mix the

Cakes in form Sugar Chocolate Soft butter or margarine ...

Nuts and chocolate mix and chopped fine, mal like to mostly into flour. Butter, sugar and egg yolks is stirred to a cream. The egg whites beaten stiff. It all reversed together and distributed in a springform approximately 28 cm in diameter. Bake at 190

Cookies Baking powder Vanilla sugar Beaten eggs ...

Butter, sugar and vanilla sugar is stirred well. The other ingredients are mixed in, and the dough is put on the griddle with a teaspoon. Baking time 12-15 minutes at 200 degrees Bake

Cakes Organic grated lemon zest Vaniliesukker Bicarbonate of soda ...

Mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda, sugar, vaniliesukker and lemon rind together. Whisk melted butter, buttermilk and egg yolks vigorously together. Whipped together with the above. Gently turn the stiftpisket whites in. bake immediately on the waffle iron. ea