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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Strong coffee Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Whole eggs and cold coffee whipped to the skimmer. Sugar and vanilla whipped in to it is thick and foamy. Flour and cacao sifted together and mix gently in Melted cooled butter mix gently in.. Dough filled into a mold lined with baking paper and placed in a co

Desserts (warm) Salt Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

the 2 whole eggs whipped with sugar, vaniliesukker and salt. Mix in flour and milk together with the melted butter. Bake on the Pan-when the dough is thin, it will be some nice thin pancakes. Tips: Since there is butter in the dough needed only a little bu

Cakes Ginger, crushed Cinnamon, ground Cardamom, ground ...

Beat the sugar and butter together, then add the egg. Spices + soda mixed into the flour and kneaded together with sugar mixture. The dough rolled out in now finger thick sausages, which are cut into small pieces and rolled round. Bake at 200 degrees C alm.

Cakes in form Orange juice or This is grundopskriften for all dry dressings. It is possible to add all kinds of ingredients when the dough is stirred together URf.eks ...

Turn on the oven and set it at 175 degrees C. Melt the fat and mix this with the milk. Mix all the "dry" ingredients in a bowl and add milk mixture and whole eggs. Stir together with a spatula or spoon. Now add the flavouring sources you seem, so it will

Desserts (cold) Rod vanilla Sugar Whipped cream ...

Soak isinglass in cold water. Warm the milk up with the broken vanillestand. Scrape of the rod and getting it into the milk. Whip eggs and sugar and got the milk in. Warm it all up while stirring until it thickens. It should not boil. Com isinglass in the hot

Mains Lemon or lime both Crushed dried red chili Dried shrimp ...

Heat the oil in a wok and FRY garlic browned. Pig meat came in, turn up the heat, and fry it until it is done. Add the prawns, dried shrimp and radishes, and cook while stirring. Came in, and apologise for, tofu stir, reduce heat, and add the lemon juice, f

Cakes in form Maple syrup Water Wheat flour ...

Heat oven up to 170 degrees. Knead the butter, flour and sugar together into a dry crumbly mass. Slice rhubarb stems in centimeters thick slices. Boil water up with maple syrup and toss rhubarb in. take pan of flared, and let rhubarb pulling the bed shee

Desserts (warm) Margarine Sugar Apples ...

The apples were peeled, cut into thin slices and dipped in pancake batter. Then bake the 5 min. on each side and turned into sugar.