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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Lemon zest (grated) Egg yolks Leaf gelatin ...

Soak the gelatine in 15 minutes beat the egg yolk and sugar light and foamy and add lemon your whip hvidene into foam cloud gelatine dry in a towel smelt it in 2 tablespoons boiling water and mix with lemon juice tubes this bvlanding in the egg yolks and whisk

Desserts (warm) Apples Sugar Water ...

Wash apples and remove the core houses out style them in a pan or in a casserole next to one another. Stuffing sugar in the hollow spaces (from 1/2-1 tbsp. for each Apple). Pour as much boiling water into the pan to bundes covered well. Put a lid over the Pan

Cakes Icing sugar Sveskemos or gel Butter ...

Dissolve 25 g of yeast in 0.6 dl. warm water. LUN ½ quart (1 ¼ cups) milk. Mix yeast, warm milk with 420 g. flour and let it raise for about ½ hour to create what is called a sponge. Mix ½ quart (1 ¼ dl.) lun milk ¼ lb. Butter 2 tablespoon fat 100 g. sugar and

Cakes Eggs Icing sugar Coconut ...

It's all kneaded together and bake at 220 degrees about 10 minutes in the middle of ovenen. Toppings: whole roasted in a pan. 4 egg whites whipped and mixed into the filling. Butter raspberry jam on the bottom and put the stuffing on top. Bake at 220 deg

Sides Salt Sugar Heads cauliflower ...

cut the flower of kålhovedet and a deeply ladene cross in the stick rinse it really well or let it lie a bit in cold water with 1 tbsp vinegar boil cabbage about 1/2 hour put it in a covered dish and pour 50 g melted margarine or butter over the el. make a mæl

Cakes 0.5 TSP. kardomme Baking soda Eggs ...

melt butter caution pipes flour and milk together came the eggs in and mix it good pour the melted butter, sugar, if desired. cardamom and baking powder in the mix to smooth dough, let the dough stand at least 15 minutes set the dough in the fridge if you want

Sides Fat Sugar Shallots ...

put onions in cold water and keep them under water while the tamper-proof (the eyes being attacked as not) give løgeme a rehash in 1-2 hold indenn halvmøre 1/4 time it boils water drain and fløg in addition, fremganagsmåden for roasted potatoes used as additio

Salads Sugar Carrots Apples ...

3 apples and 2 carrots rives together in a bowl Tips: season with 1 g of sugar