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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Salt Eggs Margarine ...

The dry ingredients are mixed, after which only the beaten eggs, then milk and finally melted margarine greased in. A frying pan greased with oil or margarine. When it is hot enough (try if temperature is fit to drip a teaspoon of dough on the Pan, it becom

Desserts (warm) Coarse salt Breadcrumbs or Grapeseed Oil Lemon juice thereof ...

crumble the yeast and stir the batter out in lukewarm water until it is dissolved add the rest of the water, salt, oil, cocoa and wheat flour and stir in until dough is so firm that it can be kneaded with the hands knead the dough smooth and supple let dough r

Soups Lemon peel thereof Fresh elderberry Whole cinnamon ...

Bærklaserne rinse. The coarsest stems cut away. Berries, water and spices boil gently, covered, 20 minutes. The juice is filtered from, sweetened to taste and boil with Apple both 3-5 my. Ideal smooth no touched out in 1 dl of cold water and pour into th

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika, edelsuss ...

Arrow the onions and chop them finely. Cut the sausages in the oblique washers. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Brown fat easily in a thick-bottomed pan or sautepande. Saute the onions until they are crisp and golden. Add the flour, paprika and tomato paste an

Candy Orange juice, freshly squeezed Cocoa Vanilla sugar ...

Stir the butter soft add the rest of the ingridensienserne and stir it all well together set the mass in the fridge for half an hour (30 minutes) roll small balls roll them in coconut flakes and style them cold until is hard the balls can now be packed in a

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Buttermilk Pasteurized egg yolks ...

Egg yolks, sugar and vanilliesukker whipped together well in a bowl with an electric beater. Sour milk is added under stirring, and then add Karoline's Custard. Koldskålen be made cold until it is to be served with either fresh strawberries or kammerjunk

Cookies Chopped hazelnuts Vaniliesukker Eggs ...

1. Put the milk in a bowl. 2. Put the margarine in 3. Mix the dry product, and pour them into the bowl. 4. Put the eggs in and stir it all together. 5. Roll it out into a sausage, and cut thin slices, that Diana and placed on a plate. 6. If you want the hazeln

Desserts (cold) Whipping cream ... lightly beaten Good dark chocolate Eggs past ...

Got the chocolate in a heat-proof Bowl. Fill a pot halfway with water and bring it to a boil. Take it from the heat and set the bowl over saucepan, without letting it come into contact with water. Stir until the chocolate is melted, sometimes. Leave to cool.