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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Sugar Cream ...

Whip the cream but not too rigid. Invert sugar in Soft husblasen and melt it.. Come taste in husblasen for so avoids trevler.

Soups Apples Mixed roots Vinegar ...

To Kraasemaden falls: Neck, the outer Joints of the wings, Hjærte, liver and Gizzard and the head and Feet. On the feet starts to boiling water, the yellow Membrane of flaades and afbrækkes Clutches; Head split and cleaned, Hjærnen and Eyes taken out, Tongue s

Bread, buns & biscuits Herbs Vinegar Oil ...

Stir the water up with yeast and add sugar, salt and oil. Add the flour and knead. Add the vinegar and garlic powder, to be raised in 20 min. and bake at 200 C for 10-15 min. Tips: Can possibly. Add a little extra flour.

Cookies Wheat flour Almonds, peeled Butter ...

Stir in butter with the sugar, add the finely chopped almonds and finally the flour. Knead the dough thoroughly. You can bake a sheet cake or one can make biscuits from the dough. If you choose the latter, the dough is shaped by hand, not rolled or tied out

Cookies Ground cloves Slipped (but the whole) almonds Syrup ...

500 g butter (half margarine if you like) 500 g sugar 250 g (about 2 cups) syrup be laid over these three things in a pot – but do not boil at any time – when it is melted well add: 125 g popped (but the whole) almonds (you can cheat a little and use bought al

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Soft/dissolved bread crumbs (not too much water is the only way to it is soaked for) (this mixture is put in soft like overnight eksm) Yeast ...

warm the milk and dissolve the yeast melt butter in a saucepan, add it in the yeast and milk and then add the breadcrumbs-salt-sugar-herein eggs and flour sleep/raise time 2 x 10 my dough should be very soft baking time about 10-14 my on 200 g and whichever ov

Desserts (cold) Whole black peppercorns Sugar Oranges juice thereof ...

Melt the sugar in a pan over medium heat. When the sugar has caramel color whipped orange juice in, add the apricots cut into chips and 2 peppercorns, let simmer for approx. 5 min. the apricots may be watered down beforehand in a bit of orange juice. Before

Cakes Gold dust Soft butter Dark cooking chocolate ...

Melt the chocolate in the microwave oven at 150 g 300W in 3 min. stir in butter and sugar well together with a hand mixer until it is light and airy. Stir in the eggs one at a time and stir well between each egg. Turn wheat flour and the melted chocolate into