Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Various Milk Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Put raspberries on a plate and give them 2-3 min. in the micro wave oven. Put all indgredienserne in a blender and blend it all together.

Breakfast & brunch Salt Eggs Oil ...

Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and eggs in a bowl. Pour most of the milk in, and then the oil. Continue with to get milk in, until you have a thick and liquid dough. Put a large frying pan over medium heat. Set the dough in the Pan so the blob

Desserts (cold) 3 tbsp. whipping cream Fresh mint Lemon ...

Chocolate cream: Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt them over a water bath by rather weak heating. Whisk the eggs together over a water bath and whip until the egg mixture begins to tykne. Take the Bowl from the water bath and whisk occasionally

Cakes in form Red food coloring Silver bullets (vermicelli) Salt ...

Heat oven up to 175 degrees c. alm. oven. Put 18 paper molds in muffin cups. Stir all ingredients for cakes together in a large bowl with an electric hand mixer until dough is smooth and pale-it takes about 2-3 my. Divide the batter into paper molds. B

Cakes in form Water Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda ...

Got it all in a bowl and whisk it together. It came in 23 x 33 cm. form greased form and sprinkled with bread crumbs or with greaseproof paper. Bake in a 180 degrees c. alm. oven for approx. 50 minnutter, but check with a kødnål or similar on the cake is

Sides Gullerødder Apples Sugar ...

Peel and grate the gullerødderne them so they all together is torn then river you apples in the same way. mix them so well together. Ta a little bowl and squeeze all the juice out of them put up sugar in lemon juice then mix it together and stir it up in the s

Cakes in form Vaniliesukker Boiling water (last) Milk ...

stir together Tips: approx. 1/2 hour at 180 degrees (convection oven)

Dressing Vinegar Oil Pepper ...

Garlic crushed and whipped together with the other ingredients in a bowl. Poured on an empty dressingflaske, and placed in the refrigerator where it can stick in a month.