Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Lunch (to go) Milk Sesame seeds Salt ...

Rye kernels boil for two minutes with a little water (not included in ingredients, about 0.5 dl). It is taken off the blush and the milk is coming in here. Yeast dissolves in the water and add salt and sugar. After which the rye and milk leaves are added. The

Pickling Lime can be used instead of lemons Freshly grated ginger Garlic ...

Rinse and do the vegetables. Boil whole lemons 10 min. In water. Cool them and cut them into small cubes. Sliced ​​chilli and garlic in thin slices. Chop parsley and onions. Season onion, garlic, parsley and chilli 1 minute in a pan with a little oil. Add l

Desserts (cold) Baking soda Hazelnuts (almonds) Sugar ...

The nuts are blended and the biscuits are crushed, mixed with vanilla sugar, sugar and baking soda. The egg whites are whipped stiff, gently twist the nuts and biscuit mixture. Pour into greased pie or spring form. Bake about 20 min at 170 g Served with

Porridge & gruel Water Potato flour Vanilla sugar ...

The apricots are softened overnight. Water and apricots are poured into a pan, add water and bring to boil, sugar is thawed and brought to boil again. Taken from the heat. The potato flour is stirred with a little water and added with stirring, taste wit

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Active dry yeast ...

The ingredients are added as they are listed in the above Bake on program 1 "BASAIC" tips: The recipe is for a hugin tripoli baker. Perhaps a handful of bowls tastes really good

Desserts (warm) Rod vanilla Eggs Water ...

Boil a layer of water and sugar, bring the strawberries and the cereals from the vanilla. Let it boil 6-8 min. The bearers must not boil completely. Bring them up into a pie or an ovenproof dish. Taste the compote that may Add a little sugar. Stir the butter

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Dark cocoa Plantemagarine ...

First, mix the dry ingredients. Then the wet ingredients are mixed in. The dough is poured into a mold or a dish covered with baking paper - raises to approx. Double size. Bake in preheated oven at 175 degrees for 35-45 minutes. tips: Good with dark choc

Cakes NESCAFÉ Baking soda Cinnamon ...

1: turn on the oven at 200 degrees 2: Mix the butter and sugar together in a bowl 3: Then mix flour and egg together with the butter mixture 4: among the rest of the ingredients in 5: Put the dough into a mold and style it in the oven for 30 minutes. ti