Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Icing sugar Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Stir the butter and sugar well and stir the eggs one at a time. Sprinkle the flowers, cut them into the tern and gently stir them together with the vanilla sugar. Mix flour and baking powder and gently turn it in. Wipe the dough into a frying pan, abo

Mains Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

The cabbage is cut. The sugar is baked in a saucepan and the butter is added. The cabbage is poured into the pan and brune well, then put it all in a damp frying pan and the flask is laid on top. Place the lid on the oven and place the cooking season in

Desserts (warm) Salt Milk Sugar ...

Warm water and milk until it is lukewarm, then dissolve the yeast in the warm milk / water. Mix flour, sugar, salt and m & m's and mix milk / water / yeast in. Leave the dough covered and raise for approx. 15 minutes, then rub the dough around the sticks and

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Syrup Chopped almonds ...

Kneaded together (must not be heated) be sliced ​​in sausages put cold 1 day cut into thin slices and baked at 200 degrees

Pickling Liquid atamon Damson Water ...

Sprinkle and water to boil and cook to all the crushers. The juice is poured and boiled. Stir the sugar and cook with 5 min. Atamon is added. The juice is filled in hot, atamon-filled bottles that are closed. tips: Capture memories a lot about mirabe

Desserts (warm) Wheat flour Flormellis Sugar ...

Among sugar and flour with flour and water. Stir it well together until all the clumber is gone. And put them on the forehead and remember butter or oil.

Desserts (warm) Salt Baking soda Oil ...

It all mixes and whipped to a liquid waffle dish. Let the dough stand and rest for approx. 30 min, then it is ready for baking on the waffle iron. Accessories: Ice cream and jam

Desserts (cold) Sugar Whole milk Egg yolk, pasteurised ...

Egg yolks are whipped with sugar. Sweet milk whipped cream is boiled and added to the egg mass in a thin beam under thorough whipping; The mass is returned to the pan under low heat (or best under water bath) and heated / whipped until it thickens and the foam