Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Hazelnuts Wheat flour Dark chocolate ...

Whip egg and sugar. Stir watermelon sugar, melted margarine, flour and coconut flour in the dough. Chop the chocolate and nuts well and turn it into the last. Fill the dough into small pieces of paper. Bake at 200 degrees for 12-15 minutes. tips: Ver

Cakes in form Dark chocolate Table salt Buttermilk ...

Mix sugar and butter thoroughly and add one egg at a time. The rest of the ingredients are mixed in the dough. Note that hazelnuts and chocolate must be chopped and the chocolate will be turned in at last -The dough is poured into a suitable greased cake fo

Cakes Vanilla sugar Butter Eggs ...

Melt the butter in a small saucepan and stir it with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time and whip it all bright and foaming. Mix the cocoa, flour, soda and vanilla and sift it in the dough alternately with the buttermilk. Distribute the dough into a baking pan w

Pickling Frozen strawberries Sugar Brown sugar ...

The strawberries and half of the honey, sour and sugar are heated to the boiling point a thickened pot. The strawberries are picked up and the boil is boiled until half. Then add the strawberries and the rest of the ingredients.

Dressing Salt Cucumber Sugar ...

Cut the Rababs into thin slices and put them in a bowl. Sprinkle sugar over them and let them pull for 20 minutes. Then the waist is poured out. Cut the cucumber into the tern and then turn both cucumbers and rabies into the yougurt and season with salt.

Desserts (patisserie) Milk Water Wheat flour ...

Turn on 200 no heat air. Bring oil and water to a saucepan and boil the flour and stir it into a smooth dough. Take the pot off the heat and then add one egg at a time. Put the dough on with two shakers and bake them for 30 minutes. Put cream in or

Appetizers Garlic Apple vinegar Blueberry ...

The cucumbers are peeled and flaked along. Scrape the cores and save them to decorate. Cut the cucumbers into slices and blend them with garlic, yougurt and boullion until the soup is foaming. Then add salt and pepper. It is placed in the refrigerator until

Breakfast & brunch Extra thick oatmeal (about 5 cm. above the milk covers) Milk (approx. 10 x 10 cm.) Sugar ...

Start pouring the milk into a saucepan. Then when the milk is getting warm you pour the oatmeal in ... Stir around the pot for about 5-10 minutes. When the porridge felt sticky but also slightly dry, they poured into four bowls. Then add sugar. (If you wan