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Recipes with Sesame seeds

Breakfast & brunch (taste it before it gets in the oven) 2 dl. raisins Acacia honey aftertaste ...

Everything on close to raisins mixes and knead well with your fingers. Sprinkle out on a frying pan with baking paper. Shake in the oven at 175 c. Approx. 30 min. Until it's golden. tips: NOTE NOTE. You must always keep an eye on it and touch it regularl

Bread, buns & biscuits Sesame seeds Eggs Salt ...

Put the wheat kernels in soft for approx. 4 dl. Water for approx. 15-30 minutes. The water is sifted from the wheat kernels (the more water in the wheat kernels, the softer they will thicken when the bread is finished) Peel the carrots and tear them on the

Bread, buns & biscuits Sesame seeds Sugar Eggs ...

Crumble the yeast and dissolve it in finger-warm milk or water. Add 1 egg, oil, salt and sugar. Stir the flour for a little while and work the dough until it drops the bowl. Let the dough raise the cover for 30 minutes. Work the dough smoothly on a table

Lunch (to go) Milk Sesame seeds Salt ...

Rye kernels boil for two minutes with a little water (not included in ingredients, about 0.5 dl). It is taken off the blush and the milk is coming in here. Yeast dissolves in the water and add salt and sugar. After which the rye and milk leaves are added. The

Mains Pepper Salt Red chili pepper ...

An oven-proof rubbed with butter. Pears and chili are cleaned and cut well. The fish is dried and the tomatoes are cut into slices. The dish is filled in layers. Season with salt, pepper and estragon between layers: 1) cut leek and chili 2) Fish - next

Mains 2porrer ca. 1/3 rod (as much as one desires)-just remember there must be room for eggs and cheese ...! Pepper Pepperoni (as much as one desires)-approx. ½ package toppings pepperoni ...

Chop butter, flour and sesame seeds together ... mix the dough quickly with water or cream. (Let's finally be "kneading" the dough too hard as it's going to be cool and not as tender). Let the dough rest on the refrigerator for approx. ½ hour .. (the dough ca

Bread, buns & biscuits Flax seed Rye flour Flour, whole grains (rema 1000 spelt flour) ...

Mix everything, so the dough is firm. And antler salt are well distributed. If there is too much moisture in it is not to work with, or to bake, so it must have much longer in the oven. It is easier to put a little more coarse spelt flour in, or leave it a

Cakes Blue poppy seed Together the beaten egg Sesame seeds ...

Wienerbrødsdej: Tørdelene sieve. The yeast is mixed in a bit of the cold milk. The egg whisked together. Everything except the fat is mixed well together. Dough rolling now instantly in a square of approximately 1 cm. 's thickness. The fat is distributed in sm