Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red wine

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine ...

Sveskerne soaked in red wine overnight. Slice the meat and liver in square pieces, which are seasoned with pepper. Set alternating prunes and meat on the barbecue spit, which brushed with oil and FRY 8-10 minutes under the grill or in the oil on the forehead.

Sauces A little soy sauce Maizenamel Pepper ...

Lobster shells Brown lightly in the alm oven and pour in a pan. Cold water is added and cooked up. All the herbs are washed, cleaned and cut into coarse pieces and place in a roasting pan. Tomato purée and red wine is added and baked in the oven, under a fe

Sides Or 0.5 TSP thyme Oil Red wine ...

Marinade whipped together and pour over meat. Pulled 4-5 hours in the refrigerator. Brown the meat, add the vegetables and the rest of the marinade added with a little water. Seasoned with salt and pepper and boil for approximately 1 hour.

Sides Black peppercorns Chopped onion Marjoram ...

Whisk marinade and let the meat pull in ca. 24 hours in the refrigerator. Use the marinade with a little water to the sauce, if necessary. crème fraiche. Season with salt and pepper. Very suitable for leg of lamb.

Sides Red wine Fresh sprig of thyme Garlic ...

Chop the onion and garlic finely. Hugs Laurel leaves and stir the marinade along with the remaining ingredients. Let the six birds pull cold for 24 hours. SI marinade and add the the fried bird and let it all bugs in approx. 40 minutes. Take the birds up an

Sides Salt Black peppercorns Small celery tuber ...

bring salted water to a boil and add the cleaned and coarsely-cut vegetables. Boil it for about 25 minutes and got the spices in. add red wine and bring the marinade up to boiling point. Take it from the heat and leave to cool. Mariner meat in 2 days in the re

Sides Bay leaves Black peppercorns Carrots in coarse pieces ...

Mix and marinade the meat be marinated for about 24 hours. Stir once in a while.

Mains EVS. suit Corn flour to jævning if you want a thicker sauce Pepper ...

The marinade mix and pour over meat (marinade should cover meat) covered for and made in a refrigerator in 1-2 24 hours a day. The meat is taken up by the bed sheet and blot dry. The marinade is filtered. The oil/butter, warmed in a pan and Brown the meat o