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Recipes with Red currant jelly

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

The club is rubbed with salt and pepper. Brunes in the pan with the bacon slices. Water / fond is added with carrots, bay leaves, chopped onions and peppers. Småkoger under low approx. 90 min. The meat is changed regularly and the red wine is added to the fina

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Begin 2 - 3 days before serving: Peel carrot, celery and onion and cut it all in coarse tern. Stir the terns in butter in a saucepan until they are clear. Add spices, vinegar and water, let it boil softly for 10 minutes and let it cool off. Place the bowl

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Possibly. Obstruction or tendons are removed and the meat is placed in the battered marinade for 3-4 hours. Take wipers and brunes in a pan in butter. Small stakes under low 20-25 min. Depending on thickness. Brush tenderloin and onions in a little butte

Mains Cream Honey Garlic ...

The day before: The spirit is cleaned well inside and out, make sure to remove blood residues etc. Cut off the gump unless you like it. Remove the bag of indigo and save the contents to make sauce. Marinade: 6-8 dl. Water (Milk) mix with 50 grams of salt, 2-

Mains Pepper Salt Coarse salt ...

Set the oven to 80 degrees hot air. Rid the duck breast fat layer lacquered (but be careful not to cut the meat). The meat is rubbed with salt and pepper - get well into the skin. A pan is warmed up and the fritters are laid with the grease side down an

Mains Bacon slices to the upstairs Cilantro to taste Milk as needed ...

Stir all the ingredients of the dough together, stir anyway. In the stirrer, please put on a refrigerator for one hour. Form the dad and put it in a refractory dish, put the bacon slices on. And pour some water on. In the oven approx. 45 minutes at 200 deg

Lunch Icing sugar Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Whip egg, milk, salt and pepper together in a deep plate. Grease 2 slices of bread with 1 teaspoon of mustard on each slice. Share ham and turkey between them. Place half of each cheese on the meat. Place the last 2 pieces of bread on top of the cheeses. Ta

Mains Allspice Ginger Suit ...

Mix the chopped meat with rasp, stir the eggs, stir milk and then sprinkle and let the dad rest 1 - 1/12 hour. Formed into a bread. Tire with bacon slices and Put the lost hair in a rose sauce. Brown hair for 15 min at max. Heat without lid add the broth and