Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Spinach leaves ...

Clean the green leaves and steam them in a pan for 5-6 minutes. Melt the butter in a pan and sprinkle the flour over. When the flour is soaked with the butter, spoon with boiling water (about 4 dl) and stir the steamed leaves gently. Spice up with spices befor

Sides Pepper Salt Oil ...

Clean the bushes by rinsing them easily under the cock and cutting off the beetles. Steam the onions for 8-10 minutes and pick them up with cloves. Put them on a small plate. Shake the dressing together and pour it over the onions. Eat them as the garnish for

Mains Pepper Salt Salted water ...

The milky pomegranates are boiled in two layers of leached salt. Stir the milk with the flour to a smooth leveling and cook the roots for 5 minutes. Add butter and taste the stew with salt and pepper.

Salads Pepper Salt Black olives for garnish ...

Rinse the bird's nest and nip it into smaller pieces. Cut the tomatoes and slice into thin slices. Mix the oil with salt and pepper and put the finely divided ingredients into layers. Pour marinade over and allow at least 15 minutes before serving. Ornaments.

Sides Oil Pepper Salt ...

All herbs are finely chopped - use if necessary. A parsley shaker. Eggs, raspes, salt and pepper are brought in and everything is brought together to a permanent father. Adjust if necessary. Daddy with oil. The fry plates are shaped by hand and fry in oil on a

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

The fathers are well mixed and shaped into meatballs. Boil in a pan of lather salted water. The meatballs rise to the weather when they are cooked. Then taken up by the water. The coarse white cabbage is boiled in lather-salted water for approx. 3-5 min. Dr

Mains Chicken broth Coffee cream 9% to jævning Pepper ...

Bacon in tern switched, turkey breast in tern welded with. Then add carrots to sliced ​​and sliced ​​and sliced. Add thyme, salt and pepper. Water and chicken stock added. The dish cooks for 20-25 minutes. Meanwhile, the pasta is boiled. The court may be ju

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Red Wine Sauce: Arrow and chop chops. Melt the butter in a saucepan and chop the chopped chalotte cloves. Add red wine, bay leaf and thyme and cook to half. Add the broth, bring the sauce to the boil and pour it through a sieve into a bowl. Set it aside. P