Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Tarragon Fish Peeled tomatoes ...

Stir the potatoes in the oven for approx. 10 min. Saute onions and garlic in the oil in a pan until the onions are ready. Add peeled tomatoes, water, peppers and estragon and let the sauce boil for approx. 5 min. Season with salt and pepper. Distribute t

Mains Onion Oil Red bell pepper ...

Boil the potatoes with peel, peel and cut into slices. The peppers are cleaned and cut into thin strips. The leak is chopped and swirled in the oil and the crushed garlic added. Poured tomatoes, water, salt and pepper are added and the tomato sauce boils 10

Mains Frozen peas Carrots Oil ...

Chop a large onion and brown it lightly in a saucepan. Add some frozen peas and possibly. Carrots and warm well through. Grease an ovenproof dish with a little oil. Put cod fillets in the dish and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Pour the vegetables

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, the juice of which ...

1 ovenproof dish is lubricated. Cod fillets are cut into suitable large pieces dripped with lemon juice, and these are layered in the ovenproof dish in turn with the vegetables. The cut parsley is sprinkled over. The dish is poured out with egg yolks, wh

Mains Garlic Pepper Red wine ...

The steps are rubbed with salt, pepper and garlic. Placed in the middle of a small refractory dish. Overlown with red wine, leaving about ½ cm at the bottom. The oven is preheated to 235 degrees C. With the steady state in the thickest part, the center temp

Sides Pepper Salt Grated onion ...

Carrots, celery, potatoes are rifts roughly and mixed with onions, eggs, rasp, curry, thyme, salt and pepper Presses free of moisture while shaping into fry dishes. The vegetable fry dishes are cooked approx. 15 min. on every side.

Mains Lemon (juice only) Lemon in both Flutes ...

Scrub the mussels well and put them in running cold water for half an hour, so the sand is blamed out of them. Boil the ingredients into the egg yolk and add the mussels. Put on the lid and shake the pan gently and boil until all the mussels have opened. Do no

Mains A little fish sauce Oil for deep frying The third spice ...

Splash the noodles and mushrooms in 2 bowls of lukewarm water. Add vegetables, eggs, glass noodles and spices to the farmer after a while. Deep 1 pc. Rice paper at a time in a bowl of water. Wait 30 sec. And then put about 1 tsp. Fill and roll together. The sp