Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Juice of 3 lemons Finely chopped onion ...

Mix all the ingredients of marinade and let the lamb pieces marinate for 1 hour at room temperature. Then roll the lamb pieces and lace them as small roast. Grilled in 3o min and a bit longer for the biggest pieces.

Mains Pepper Juice of one lemon Salt ...

Heat the oil in a saucepan, stir the pancetta until it is crispy, turn the lamb pieces into flour and put them together with the pancake until brown, approx. 10 min. Add the wine and spices, put the lid on the pot let the small lime for 10 minutes. Remov

Mains A little oil Pepper Salt ...

Brown the fillets on both sides and put them in a 200 ° hot oven for 5-6 minutes. Take it out and let it rest for 5 minutes. Covered with stanniol. Cut into thin slices and server with pesto poured over. Parsley mint pesto: 2 dl. Broad parsley parsley ½ dl. Mi

Salads Onion Pepper Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

The potatoes are boiled and cooled in the refrigerator. Man mixes mayonnaise and cremefraiche. Then add mustard and lemon juice as well as the chopped onions. They are cooked with curry, salt and pepper. The potatoes are cut into pieces (not sliced) and

Mains Citonsaft Icelandic shrimp Mayonnaise ...

Peel a large piece of bread free from crust on all sides. Cut it through a couple of times, so you have three "boards". Coat these boards with a mixture of thawed Icelandic prawns, lemon juice, lots of mayonnaise and three chopped hard boiled eggs, salt and pe

Appetizers Pepper Salt Peeled Shrimp ...

Melt the grease and back up with flour and cream. Take the saucepan off the heat and stir the egg yolks at one time. Bring the prawns to the pulp and season with salt and pepper. Whip the egg whites stiff and turn them gently. Pour the souffle line

Mains Potatoes Pepper Salad ...

The pork tenderloin cut for approx. 2 cm. Thick slices and swirls on the forehead. The pan is boiled with the beef bouillon. In a saucepan, put onion, garlic, peppers and curry (and yes, really have to spice up in * G *). When it is switched off (do not bro

Mains A little water Small cup Crème Fraiche 38% Margarine (for svitsning of meat) ...

The meat is swirled with the curry. All the other ingredients on cream and cream are added and the dishes simmer until the meat is tender (about 3/4 hours). Finally add cremefraiche and cream and warm to boiling point (do not boil!). Serve with rice or fren