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Recipes with Oregano

Lunch (to go) Oregano Salt Tomato puree ...

Dough: Udrør the yeast in lukewarm water. Add the remaining ingredients. Knead the dough together until it is smooth. Style to uplift in a warm place, with a damp cloth for about 1 hour. Roll the dough out to approximately 30 x 35 cm. Pureen on butter, s

Mains Oregano Parsley Big juicy tomato ...

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Peel the potatoes and slice them thoroughly then skzl a hole as wide as 3 thumbs and deeply as a thumb. crazy tomato and cheese and clean. put tomato in the potatoes and then cheese and tomato again. take a small pan, melt th

Lunch Oregano Coarse salt Grated mozzarella ...

Stir the yeast into the water. Add 2 tablespoons oil and salt. Mix pizza flour in a little at a time to a suitable consistency. Knead the dough well and let it raise for 30 min. Roll dough out to an elongated piece. CA 30x45cm. Advantage of pùren over the doug

Mains Olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. The garlic is squeezed and sauté in a pan in the oil, Brown the meat along with the garlic until it is browned and then mix the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, oregano and the liquid in and boil quietly up and season with salt

Mains White pepper Salt Oregano ...

came his lasagna in boiling water with salt, and cook them for about 15 mins. then the drain in a sieve. over poured with cold water in order to avoid the sticking together. meat sauce: Saute onion and meat in butter add spices, tomato paste and broth, an

Lunch Garlic salt Oregano Grated cheese ...

Butter two pieces of toast with tomato puree. Strew a appropriate amount of ham and cheese in addition to one of the two pieces of bread. Sprinkle oregano and possibly. garlic salt on the second piece of bread. Folding it all together and put it in a prehea

Lunch (to go) Annanas in slices Bacon in writing Oregano ...

First is you all the pita bread you should do on a ovnrist with baking paper. Afterwards you put tomato puree on also the ham and afterwards a type tomato on top of the ham. Then you put cheese on and a half slice of bacon and lid annanas (annan asen should be

Lunch (to go) (the filling is of your choice ...) Onion Oregano ...

1) Crumble the yeast in the water. Add salt and then flour came in. Knead the dough smooth and add the flour as needed. Let dough raise under a damp towel for 30 minutes. 2) While the dough raises the mixes you all ingredients for filling together. (The f