Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Leaf and bottom cut of rhubarb, and they cut into pieces and place in a saucepan with vinegar, sugar, pepper, a pinch of salt and a little tarragon, where after it is given a rehash (rhubarb must not boil, as they will be soft). Then allow the mixture to rest

Mains Parsley, fresh Pepper Eggs ...

Stir the meat with salt. Add pepper, eggs and grated onion. Add the flour. Then stir the milk in. Form forcemeat for meatballs with a dessert spoon and cook them on low heat 7-8 minutes in ½ l boiling salted water under the lid. Take the dough balls up with s

Sides Salt Aubergin Olive oil ...

Peel the onion and chop it finely. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and up came løgternene by. Let them cook in the oil in the well 10 minutes, but they must not take color. Aubergin, courgette and bell pepper are washed and cut into coarse cubes and p

Mains White pepper Eggs Coarse salt ...

Tærtedej: Flour, Sesame and salt are mixed together. The butter is cut into thin slices and friable in meles with the fingertips. Water is added and the dough mixed to a thick dough. Let the dough rest 10 min. in the refrigerator. Roll the dough out on a light

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Curry Cress ...

Cut herrings into small pieces. Clean the vegetables and chop them roughly. Cut the eggs in both or slices. Stir the mayonnaise with kefir/ymer, vinegar, mustard and spices. Season about to be more spices in. Put herring, vegetables, herbs and mayonnaise

Lunch (to go) Less subcutaneous fat Eggs Salt ...

liver fat peeled apples rusks and onion is run through the mincer 2 times. egg salt and pepper stirred in, bollionen is stirred in a little on the RAND. Bake approximately 45 min ved240 degrees. can be frozen raw down and taken directly from the freezer and in

Lunch Bouillon cube Wheat flour Onion ...

Arrow and chop the onion finely. Remove stem and seeds from the peppers and cut them Chair in small fine dice. Dissolve bouillon and water in a pan and cook the onions and peppers in 5 mins, they must not brown. Sprinkle curry powder and flour and mix well. Hø

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut chicken into strips and fry it in oil. Flavored with salt and pepper. If using fresh spinach: Rinse and allow it to drain away. Melt the butter and turn the spinach here to coincide. If you use frozen spinach: make sure you clench væden from. Chop the