Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Cold cuts Pepper Salt White wine ...

The meat is cut from the legs of the hair, the fillet is finished, the rest of the hare is run through the meatbaker with onions, herbs, Madagascar peppers and sprouts. Then stir it with egg, whipped cream and white wine, salt and pepper. The father must stand

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Use the food processor: Chop the loaf, bacon and cod. When the meat is roughly chopped, flour, salt (obs. Bacon salts), pepper in. Then, milk for a little while while everything goes on until the fish farmer has a thick lime consistency. Spoon into fry pane

Lunch Vinegar Marinated herring Onion ...

Raspberry, sugar and vinegar boil up. The herring is cut into small pieces (2 cm) and The cooled make and 2 pieces. Finely chopped onions come by. It all has to take 1 day.

Mains Pepper Salt White wine vinegar ...

Marinated potatoes: Boil the potatoes with peel and peel. Cut into slices in a deep bowl. Finely chopped garlic, finely chopped mustard, vinegar and olive oil pour into a pan, heat and pour over the potatoes that pull for 24 hours. Parsley Foam: Chicken

Soups Pepper Salt Leek (green) ...

Enables the chicken. Divide it into 6-8 pieces. Arrow and chop onion and garlic. Melt the butter in a pan and let the onions and garlic spin on low heat 5 min. Add the rice, let it all spin for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the water and put the ch

Mains Greek barbecue spice Olive oil Pepper ...

Halibut: The skin is scratched on both sides, brushed with oil and spiced with salt and pepper. Stir on a grilling pan 8-10 minutes on each side. Parsley Foam: Chicken broth and crushed garlic cooked to half. Cream fry is added and it is cooked to half. P

Mains Turmeric, ground Olive oil Red bell pepper ...

Bring a large saucepan with boiled water, add dumplings, stung turmeric and a spoon of olive oil. Boil for approx. 10 minutes with regular stirring until the paste is tender. Drain save the cooking water and set aside. Heat the rest of the oil on a large pa

Mains Olive oil Garlic Thyme, fresh ...

The earthquakes are scrubbed clean, but they should not be peeled. They are put in boiling water and cooked just a little, approx. 10 minutes. Keep an eye on the tubers while boiling as they easily boil. The earthquakes are cut lengthwise and laid with the