Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Chilli, crushed Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into big tern and marinate it in soy sauce, just pour it all covered. It's easy to do in the ground the meat came in. While pulling, chop mushrooms, onion and pepper in rough pieces. Chop the garlic nicely. Pour a little butter / oil into th

Cold cuts Mayonnaise Skinte, diced Chives ...

Chop hammer tern, red pepper, onion and onions. Mix it with the mayonnaise.

Mains Oil Soy sauce Tomato puree ...

Start by putting a pan of spaghetti with boiling salt. Afterwards you take a pot and heat some oil. Then turn the onions in until they become soft. Then cut the sausages into slices ½ cm long and put them in the pan with oil and onions. Once the sausages h

Appetizers Rice Madæble Wheat flour ...

A greasy dish is lubricated with the oil. The apple is peeled and cut into thin boats. Cut the onion into small pieces and the tomatoes in slices and cut the cod fillet into large pieces. Flour salt and curry balndes and cod turn in this mixture. Fish, onions

Mains Chopped tomato Onion Corn oil ...

Thaw spinach up, Clean the chili blend them together with the chopped tomatoes, Chicken pieces pour golden in oil and curry. Chop onions and season in a pan, add tomato and chili with milk, ketchup and all the cloves, let the sauce boil for about 15 minutes

Lunch Burger dressing Pepper Salt ...

Steaks: The fathers are well-behaved (much longer than to alm. Father). The fathers are shaped into thin square steaks the size of the bread. Stir the steaks in oil on the forehead, a couple of minutes on each side. Onion: The onions are chopped and sha

Mains Pepper Water Squash ...

First wrap the loops in a little oil. Take it out of the pan and then sweat the meat. Cut the rest of the vegetables into the tern and mix it all in the pan. Pour water until it covers + 1 cm. Add salt and bay leaves. Let it simmer for about 45 minutes or un

Mains Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

Dough: Mayonnaise, flour and salt are mixed together into a dough that is squeezed thinly into a small dish and baked in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 15-20 minutes. Fill: Cut mushrooms into slices and onion onions. Sprinkle mushrooms and onion in a