Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Free the Tenderloin of sinew and cut it into 2 cm thick slices. Twist the bacon around the meat. Willow buds, halve them and cook them for about 5 min. Del onions into quarters. Halve the peppers, remove frøstole and cut it into cubes. Set alternating meat, on

Mains Some sprigs of Rosemary Pepper Salt ...

'S forellerne. Scrub the lemons in hot water and cut it into slices. Rinse the herbs and fill forellerne with some whole stems and lemon slices. Arrow leaf end of the rest of the herbs and chop the garlic and chop them. Arrow them just fine. Mix the herbs, gar

Mains Lavender and Rosemary sprigs Pepper Salt ...

In regular distance around the mallet scratched 20 small incisions and herein be thinly sliced garlic. In a bowl mix the lavender, Rosemary and olive oil. Butter the mallet evenly with sheeting, and style it in about 2 hours by alm. room temperature. While swi

Mains Japanese pickled ginger Pepper Soy sauce ...

Cook the rice according to the instructions on the bag loose and let them cool off. Grate the tonsils light brown on a dry pan and let them cool off. Sugar peas blanched for 2 min. Carrots peeled and cut into julienne (matchstick thin strips). Tang pl

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Rinse the squid in cold water. Drag the head of and the guts that accompanies. cut the arms of catch. Pull the thin membrane of the body. Squeeze the remaining content out and rinse the squid well. Mix oil, lemon juice, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper in a bo

Mains Olive oil Pork Tenderloin, trimmed Watercress ...

Cut the bimørbraden of. Coat Tenderloin of sinew and membranes and season with salt, pepper and thyme. Wrap the bacon slices around the loin. Grill the 30-40 minutes. Turn it several times. Take the Tenderloin of the grill and let it pull about 5 minutes

Mains Bamboo barbecue sticks Lemons or limes for serving Coarse salt ...

The garlic is crushed and chili chop finely. Both touched by the oil. The prawns are washed and dried and distributed on bamboo spiddene. They do not sit too close. Shrimp spiddene grilling card at the garden barbecue or a hot grill pan with a little oil. B

Appetizers Lemon Danish hummer ca. 600 g Dill ...

Hummeren blanched 10-15 sec. in the game of boiling salted water, then into cold water. The flesh can now be taken out of the shell while it is "raw". Tail meat rolled tight in kitchen movie to a cylinder and freeze. Jerusalem artichokes peeled and cut into th