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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar ...

Procedure for marinade and marinating. The marinade mix. Elk meat from the shackles of EVS. membranes and strimles in thin pieces. Bacon and Moose meat is mixed with the marinade. The meat is layered in 2-3 hours. After marinating removed pecorinoerne before

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Spring onions ...

The meat is washed, dried and cut into approx. 3 cm sized cubes. The flour in a bag together with paprikaerne, pepper and salt. Meat and bacon cubes empahsis in the bag. Who breathed air in the bag and shake so that flour mixture evenly on all pieces of mea

Mains A little butter Pepper Salt ...

Make a hole in the middle of the meat. Cheese mixed with basil, and fill the hole with mass. Com salt & pepper on the meat and Brown it on all sides. Then put the meat in a preheated oven at 160 ° C for approx. 10 min. If you want less red meat, so give it

Mains Chili powder Small onion fintsnittet Cumin seeds ...

Saute onion, concentrated tomato puree, chili, cumin seeds and tomato juice in oil in a thick-bottomed pan. Add the crushed tomatoes and broth and bring to the boil. Fade the heat. Add the remaining vegetables and let them simmer with for they are fairly te

Mains White pepper Salt Parsley ...

Rinse the leaves well and sølvbede remove the thick stems. Share large leaves. Bring plenty of salted water to a boil in a saucepan. Put leaves in sølvbede and cook them for 3 minutes. Take the leaves up and flush them in cold water. Let them drip. Trimming

Mains Pepper Parsley to garnish Salt ...

1. Arrow the onion and chop it. heat oil by even heat in a large saucepan. Add the onion, chickpeas and 1 tsp salt and Brown in ca. 5 min. 2. Stir the lentils, tomato puree and ½ tbsp cumin in broth Pour over and bring to. log. Turn down and let the pot simmer

Sides A small green chili Olive oil Pepper ...

The eggplants, cut into 1 cm thick slices, sprinkled with salt and placed under light pressure in 20 min. until they have made the bitter fluid. Rinse in cold water and blot dry. Toasting on both sides in abundant olive oil in a hot pan and put on fat sucking

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Peel and arrow vegetables. Cut all the vegetables in coarse pieces. Volume rådkøllen up, Brown mallet in a frying pan thoroughly on all sides add add the root vegetables and Rosemary twigs, let it Brown with. Pour water and let it boil for about 20-25 min a