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Recipes with Olive oil

Appetizers White pepper Olive oil Salt ...

Sauté the finely chopped celery and carrot in a little olive oil. When the vegetables are tender, add the whipping cream, and the whole småkoger in 2-3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and add chives. Steam spinach and squash and serve it in the middle of

Bread, buns & biscuits Fresh Marigold petals from approx. 5 flowers Lemon juice Honey ...

Knead well. Rests to double size. Molded to the buns. After raising about 15 min. Bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Tips: These buns taste though, also is the beautiful ... Extremely suitable for the breakfast table ... Or as a little extra for birthday

Soups Leaf celery Onion Olive oil ...

Brown baconet in a pan with half of the olive oil and add the meat. Brown it in a few min. and season with salt and pepper. Add the crumbled bouillon cubes, coarsely chopped onion, garlic, thyme, and water pressure. The Court let simmer, covered, for about

Sides Pepper Salt Parsley ...

'S portobellosvampene. Chop the garlic and parsley and mix it with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Advantage parsley mixture over mushrooms and bake them in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Tips: Eat the mushrooms with bread for hot or cold.

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the aubergines into slices and sprinkle them with salt and let them stand for 10 min. Dup in paper towel, brush with oil and fry them on both sides in the oven at 250 degrees C alm. oven about 20 minutes until lightly golden. Vegetable sauces: Chop all

Mains Chopped chili Minced parsley Lime juice ...

Beat butter, milk, flour, eggs, salt and pepper together and stir in corn and squash in. The dough should not be too thin, add if necessary. a sprinkle more flour. Behind the pancakes in a little oil in a frying pan. Chop red onion, tomatoes, green peppers, a

Salads Freshly ground white pepper Sea salt Lime fruit ...

Rinse lettuce leaves, dry them and cut them into strips. Wash, Peel and cut in tiny dice root vegetables. Mix them in a bowl with oil, salt, and pepper and grate them on a large forehead. Flip them along the way. They must have a good bite, so 4-5 min. total i

Sides Homemade or prepared yoghurt Olive oil Feta cheese ...

Put feta in water a couple of hours, so some of the salt is washed out. Mash the feta and mix with yogurt of fairly firm texture and the rest of the ingredients. Save a little dill to sprinkle on top, and style it in the fridge a few hours before serving.