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Recipes with Olive oil

Appetizers Marjoram Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the onions in slices and fry them slowly until they are soft. they must not brown. shredded and sautéed with peppers until they are soft. came the shredded tomatoes, salt, pepper and krydderurteri, put the lid on and cook it for low heat for an hour. advan

Mains Apple juice Ginger Water ...

1. Heat the oil on a hot pan 2. Add the chicken pieces and raise them until they are light brown 3. Remove chicken pieces 4. Add the other ingredients, warm them to medium heat until they mix and dissolve 5. Add the chicken pieces and bring it to a boil.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large pan and sauté onion and pepper until they are light golden. Peel and tear the tomatoes on the big holes in the grater. Add the tomatoes to the forehead, lay on and cook at low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove the lid and crush the e

Appetizers Crayfish oily (the soft inside the crab) added to page Crushed dried red pepper Onions, diced ...

Kill the crabs by sticking a knife into the head behind the eyes. Crush the crabs and let your legs and body be intact. Remove the soft inside the crab and set it aside. In a large pot (4-5 liters) the oil is heated. Season the chopped onions and garlic unt

Soups Fresh Sage Chicken broth Grated Gruyère, or parmesan ...

Traditionally, this soup is produced on pure water, - "aïgo bouido" means "boiled water", but it tastes a little more if you use a light broth. Bring broth, bay leaves, sage, garlic and two tablespoons. Oil in a saucepan. Boil up excessive heat. Soak the he

Mains Pepper Gulerød reven Handful of oatmeal ...

The chicken meat is stirred in a pot of salt and pepper. The remaining ingredients are stirred together and turned into the meat. The father rests for an hour. Brunes with high heat and baked in oven. 200 degrees C. alm. Oven 15-20 min. tips: Served wit

Mains A lump of butter Dried chili after taste Flat-leaf parsley ...

Pile the shells of the prawns. Chop the parsley roughly. Cut the garlic into thin slices Bring the garlic cloves into the hot oil and raise them for a moment until they start to take a little color. Add chilli and then the prawns to fry until they are pink

Mains Olive oil Pepper Rosemary, fresh ...

The beans are sipped and flushed. Carrots peel and cut in half, leave 5 cm. Top side on. Spring buds are cleaned. Boil in low salt water until they are tender but still ahr bid. Savoy cabbage and red onion are cleansed and cut. Boil tenderly in leachate