Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lemon juice thereof

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Mousses, cream is stirred with vanillekorn, cane sugar and lemon. The dressing tasted with salt and pepper. Slices of celery, half-grapes, raisins and Walnut kernels turned into. Decorating the with a little chopped walnuts.

Candy Lemon juice thereof Snaps (blue ålborg) Lemon peel thereof ...

Chop chocolate fine. Warm sugar, lemon juice and be up to sugar melts. Pour the cream in, along with crushed cardamom, boil up and term so the mixture slowly over the chocolate, while stir in chocolate (the hot fluid Will not completely dissolve the chocolate

Soups Pepper Salt Broth ...

Sauté the peppers in the butter. Add the broth and spices and warm it up. When it boils, add noodles and the soup is boiling to everything is tender. Season with lemon juice.

Appetizers Forårsrulledej in small plates (Filo) Olive oil for frying Lemon juice thereof ...

Baked goat cheese: cut the goat cheese into squares that fit a mouthful (110 g = 7-8). Share each plate of forårsrulle the dough on the middle of a triangle. Put a piece of cheese in the middle and fold into a square. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry th

Mains Dill Chervil Lemon juice thereof ...

Cut the bottom of feldsalaten and rinse the salad thoroughly in cold water and dried. Fisheries Fund reduces to 2 cups, add heavy cream and reduce to 3 cups and boil glossy with butter, season with lemon juice and seasoned. Skate wing is divided into 12 pieces

Mains Orange juice Coarse salt Jævning ...

Chop the almonds and bread for the stuffing. Use if necessary. a parsley stutters. Stir in the stuffing and let it soak, it hangs together. Rinse the thawed and and dry with a clean cloth. Rub with salt. Came the stuffing in the second. Close with a couple of

Mains Fish soup Potato water Milk ...

Scrape the skin off and cut the fish into suitable pieces. Place it in the pot or the kettle of fish in cold water with ca. 1 handful of salt. When the water boils, it must be allowed to stand and simmer a little time. Make a opbagt sauce of the potato wate

Mains Lemon juice thereof White wine Carrots ...

Sauté the onions in half oil/butter. The fish is cut into cubes and add along with the prawns. FRY for about 3 minutes. White wine, lemon juice and fintsnittet carrots added. Some gruel is in about 5 minutes. Cream is added with spices. Season with salt and pe