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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the bacon into cubes and fry it in a saucepan with the garlic and oil. Roof box the role of heat when the bacon according to desire is blank or crisp. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and stir in the cream in with Parmesan, pepper and salt. The cream can udelaades

Cold cuts Allspice Pepper Eggs ...

Chop liver, onion, anchovies, garlic and Apple in the food processor. Whisk the flour into the cold milk and bring to the boil. Melt the butter in the hot jævning. Pipe liver mixture, eggs, salt, pepper and allspice in the mass in molds and Pour. behind it for

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Grated nutmeg Eggs ...

The meat is stirred to father's with the other ingredients. Forcemeat in a rim shape (approx. 1 litre). The rim is made in a pan with so much water, so it reaches half up on the form. Aluminum foil be laid over the mold and was placed on the pan. Småkoger ca.

Bread, buns & biscuits Orange peel, grated Orange juice, freshly squeezed Coarse salt ...

melt butter and add milk, stir the yeast into the warm wetness and add eggs, orange juice and the rest of the ingredients-flour a little at a time so you can see when it is enough! Cut out in ca 10 pieces and put on wax paper. Bake for about 15 minutes a

Mains Butter Whole milk Eggs ...

The bread turned into milk, where it sucks, butter is melted in the Pan in which the bread toasting on both sides. In the meantime, mix eggs, milk and flour. When the bread is brown poured mass over, FRY Brown on both sides. The cake be turned using a mini

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Eggs Baking soda ...

Peel the apples, cut them into both and equal to them in a heat-proof platter, sprinkle them if necessary. with a little cinnamon. Melt the butter and let it cool off. Mix flour, sugar and baking powder. Stir together beaten egg herein together with the

Cakes in form Cinnamon Cardamom Icing sugar ...

Whip eggs together with the sugar and melted butter and mix it together. Mix the cream, sour cream, cinnamon, cardamom, flour and baking powder, and stir in gently to the whole thing is mixed properly together. Pour the mixture into a springform. Cut the ap